Example sentences of "and we look forward to " in BNC.

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1 Your arrangements enabled us to have a holiday in a hitherto quite unknown area and one of great charm , and we look forward to travelling with you again .
2 Our only complaint is that it was all over too quickly and we look forward to another holiday with you in the future ’ .
3 ‘ The work of the diocese will go on and we look forward to the time when he can be back with us and working amongst us again . ’
4 The ultimate decision will be made by parents and we look forward to hearing what they have to say . ’
5 However there are nearly 200 equally important areas around the UK which are in urgent need of protection and we look forward to more SPA designations in the near future . ’
6 Microvitec Plc , Bradford told the annual meeting that trading in the first three months of 1993 ran ahead of budget : the firm 's chairman , James Bailey , said ‘ we remain profitable throughout the group , and we look forward to a successful outcome to the current year . ’
7 Colin is a regular visitor at most of the English rallies and we look forward to an interesting year under his leadership .
8 AEA has much to contribute , and we look forward to playing a key role .
9 The Law Society will then make representations to the Lord Chancellor in support of the application , and we look forward to a favourable outcome when the Lord chancellor and the judges consider it .
10 There is clearly mutual benefit to be gained from this acquisition , for both our UK and US companies , and we look forward to this area of our business competing effectively on an international basis . ’
11 Our best wishes go to John and his family and we look forward to working with him for another 15 year .
12 During 1992 , Marquis was launched in other world markets and we look forward to additional sales from those markets as our new brand gains awareness and esteem .
13 But these are only some of the financial institutions where actuarial skills could be relevant and we look forward to crossing the frontiers into non-traditional fields , for example the planning of capital projects .
14 The events have been recorded both by Ray Graham and John Roberts and we look forward to seeing the videos .
15 The public welcome the way we are treating teachers as a professional body by taking the advice of the independent review body , and we look forward to Graham Day and his colleagues producing the kind of advice that we require about how our teachers should be rewarded .
16 We wish those who worked on the interim advisory committee well and we look forward to the next phase in the determination of teachers ' pay which is the work of the pay review body under the chairmanship of Sir Graham Day .
17 We would like to thank all the officials who have helped to make the programme work effectively and we look forward to receiving your co-operation in 1988 .
18 Our two unions have shown the value of working closer together to pursue our common aims and we look forward to continuing our association .
19 Hibernia is a complex , challenging and difficult contract , and I am delighted that it has restarted and we look forward to making a significant contribution to this major international project .
20 Although the Scottish Council Development and Industry was formed in 1946 by the merger of the Scottish Council on Industry and the Scottish Development Council , the Scottish National Development Council — the word National was later deleted — came into being on 8th May 1931 and we look forward to marking our Diamond Jubilee Year with several special events throughout Scotland .
21 Our very best wishes go to Margaret for her continuing speedy recovery I know that our recently appointed archivist will be very disappointed at not being able to take part in the Steel Magnolias our February production get well quickly , Margaret , and we look forward to seeing you very soon .
22 Lulu Ulrika Johnson , Tessa Sanderson , Debby McGee and Linda Bellingham all lent their support to this year 's Cadbury 's strollathon and we look forward to their continued support in our birthday year .
23 We hope that you will be bale to come and we look forward to meeting you then .
24 Pat Kennedy has given us much help and guidance in the past and we look forward to working closely with her in the future .
25 Thank you for your enthusiasm and interest and we look forward to an excellent year .
26 We asked them to the meeting and we look forward to listening to you later on in the agenda .
27 And we look forward to seeing some more publicity , between us we have fingers in many pies , and the more we know about it the more chance we have to spread the word around .
28 Ian , thanks ever so much , it 's not necessarily been an easy ride for you , but we 're glad to know you and we look forward to meeting you again .
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