Example sentences of "and walk [prep] [art] road " in BNC.

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1 When driving in the countryside you often see walking human haystacks — people , who have been out cutting grass for their cows , returning home and walking down the road often with only their legs showing beneath their enormous bundles .
2 In 1986 almost half the people aged over 85 , for example , were unable to go out of doors and walk down the road on their own , and almost a third were unable to manage stairs .
3 Now all I did was park my car in the garden centre , buy a small cactus and walk across the road to X-ray .
4 Jane came out of the tube station and walked along the road .
5 ‘ That 's all right , ’ Zadak said , and walked along the road , past the prison .
6 Coffin turned his back to the pier , Peter and Nona had already disappeared down a flight of steps , and walked towards the road , where a line of police vehicles was drawn up .
7 made one quick phone call , then took the lift down and walked across the road from New Scotland Yard to the little café which was , as usual , full of workmen engaged in rebuilding the offices in the area .
8 A plainclothes policeman got leisurely out of the panda car and walked across the road to them .
9 Benny Robinson left the warehouse in Herring Street and walked across the road to the tobacconist 's opposite .
10 Anne introduced John and when Eileen moved away , Anne said goodbye to him and walked up the road with her sister , wheeling her bicycle .
11 From the bakery , Maisie emerged with Hasan , carrying a pile of loaves , and walked into the road , narrowly avoiding an oncoming lorry .
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