Example sentences of "and placed it [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I like it here , ’ said Dot , stretching out along her bed while Gloria took off her hat and placed it carefully on the luggage rack .
2 Willie did so and placed it carefully on the table .
3 He hauled me up from the bowels of the villa , took off his jacket and placed it tenderly round my shoulders .
4 Alone at his desk in the library , Henry Agnew put down his pen , blotted the page and placed it neatly atop the growing stack of paper at his side .
5 He lifted one foot up and placed it heavily in front of the other , making a slow progression to the gate .
6 With both hands she pulled her right foot out from under her left thigh and placed it flat on the green carpet as a dancer will consciously reorganize his body .
7 Digging into the pocket of her jacket , she produced a long silver whistle and placed it firmly between her lips , and Fran had to swallow an almost hysterical gurgle of laughter as she saw the expression of near-disbelief on Luke Calder 's face .
8 Abruptly he stopped doing this , took hold of the brim on either side of the crown , raised the hat and placed it firmly on his head .
9 So she removed her right hand from the glass skylight and placed it instead over her left finger with the ring and the thread .
10 She heard the clink of glasses being placed on the wall , heard the rustle of clothing as he removed his jacket and placed it warmly round her shoulders .
11 We lifted the lid and placed it gently on the floor .
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