Example sentences of "and placed [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By the age of 35 he had become the youngest president of the largest and most prominent synagogue in Canada ; brilliantly engineered the merging of all the philanthropic societies of Montreal ( ‘ With a view to obtaining the greatest efficiency with the least possible expense and labour , ’ — surely his own life-principle next to his religious and familial devotions ) ; and placed himself in the forefront of the social and economic battles of the period .
2 I turned off the road when I drew level with the Brigadier and his Officers , and placed myself on the right of Mills Roberts as the Brigade swept past to the tune Highland Laddie .
3 Jesus Delporto 's dying scream had followed Ace all the way to the lower moon , down the violently oscillating length of the Bridge , past bizarre machinery which seethed with naked power , and through the gap she had torched in the base of the column ; it followed her as eager hands pulled her from the writhing Bridge , stripped away her suit and placed her with the others in the medical unit ; followed her into sleep , forced a path into her dreams , drove her screaming and unrested into wakefulness .
4 Her General Practitioner referred her to the surgical Outpatients Clinic where the surgeon examined her and placed her on the waiting list for stripping ( removal ) of varicose veins .
5 They lifted her gently , as if she were an old lady , and placed her nearer the mouth of the cave .
6 And upon the way they round a leper , struggling in a quagmire , who cried out to them with a loud voice to help him for the love of God ; and when Rodrigo heard this , he alighted from his beast and helped him , and placed him upon the beast before him , and carried him with him in this manner to the inn where he took up his lodging that night .
7 A taped message from Escobar had been printed in the newspaper El Nuevo Siglo earlier in the month , saying that he would consider surrendering if the government ensured his safety and placed him in a prison in his home province of Antioquía .
8 " In his seventh year his [ foster ] father took him and placed him in the care of a man of experience and promptly sent him abroad with him to learn foreign languages and begin at once to study books .
9 When we arrived at the market town , my master hired the largest room in the public house , and placed me upon the table there .
10 George whipped the trousers off the table and placed them on a hanger which he attached to a wooden creel .
11 They stood to the side as I entered then the woman showed me to a chair as the man brought two glasses and placed them on the table in front of me , then said very seriously , ‘ This is my wife .
12 I then brought two sample-books and placed them on the counter for their perusal .
13 I understand he 's ill. , Seating herself on one of the wooden chairs , she drew off her fine kid gloves and placed them on the table .
14 After the monitor had gathered up the papers and placed them on the small , square , wooden table that acted as the sister 's desk , the class sat quiet , waiting anxiously for the verdict , a tick or a large cross , the while automatically mumbling Hail Marys .
15 Mobuto folded the glasses and placed them on the coffee table in the centre of the room .
16 He picked her legs up one by one , and placed them on the two benches .
17 She pulled her glasses from her pocket and placed them on the end of her nose .
18 The train stopped , doors slammed , a man further up the line lifted out two suitcases and placed them on the ground .
19 At the end of spawning I had over 20 eggs plastered to the sides of the aquarium , so I took a razor blade and carefully scraped them off and placed them in a margarine tub in their own aquarium water .
20 Once again I scraped them off and placed them in a margarine tub .
21 In fact the defendants did not consider the transparencies suitable for their project and placed them in a drawer , together with the unread terms , and forgot about them .
22 They made realistic models of different types of cuckoo eggs ( realistic enough to fool a leading British ornithologist who unwittingly recorded one as part of a clutch he discovered ) and placed them in the nests of reed warblers to examine the response of the hosts .
23 George washed up his cup and saucer carefully and placed them in the plastic drainer .
24 Benjamin drew three gold coins from his purse and placed them in the centre of the table .
25 She staggered over to the freezer , climbed on to a small stool by its side , unwrapped the packages to reveal frozen packs of my beefburgers , and placed them in the freezer , leaning over it until she was almost inside .
26 Eddy v Niman is open to the criticism that in the terms of s.3(1) there was an assumption of the rights of the owner when he took the goods from the shelf and placed them in the shopping trolley .
27 She took out a bundle of £10 notes each time and placed them in an envelope from her bag .
28 Giles Aplin patted the papers into order and placed them inside a leather document-holder .
29 Jonadab drained his cup and placed it on a table before answering .
30 He poured the beer into a glass and placed it on a coaster in front of Whitlock .
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