Example sentences of "and return [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yau , Savanayana and Schneeweis ( 1990 ) compared the results of forming portfolios of spot and futures ( US Treasury bonds ) when three different returns measures were used ( price change , percentage price change , and return on the initial margin ) .
2 At one stage Glasser is invited to look at a tenement close — by Bernard , a Communist who was to fight in Spain and return with an altered mind .
3 summer , giving myself the immeasurable luxury of being able to start early from the hotel , still burping porridge and bacon , and return to a hot dinner , a steaming bath and a cosy bar full of fellow hill-walkers .
4 What this meant in practical terms was that the hunters were non-reproductive , and presumably in order to become reproductive had to give up their youthful way of life and return to the traditional mode of subsistence .
5 POLICE should abandon ‘ fashionable management theories ’ which blur traditional relationships between ranks and return to the hierarchical principles of leadership , a senior officer said yesterday .
6 Then it would be possible to set matters right and return to the correct position of Clause 9 .
7 After a period of development of several months the larvae moult to L5 and return to the intestinal wall via the arterial lumina .
8 By two weeks they have arrived in the lungs where they migrate up the bronchi and trachea , are swallowed , and return to the small intestine .
9 During the first three years of life the young child will venture out from and return to the secure base of a parent 's presence when conducting expeditions into unfamiliar territory .
10 But there are no easy solutions ; it is hard , for example , to imagine the EC countries deciding overnight to forget their searing battles over agricultural policy and return to the old days of costly subsidies and surpluses in order to build up buffer stocks to higher levels .
11 Arguing that elements of both capitalism and Western culture were necessary to growth and prosperity , the article warned : " If we unanalytically fear " capitalist influences ' and return to the old road of the closed door , this could really shake the socialist foundation . "
12 The shadow cabinet decided in April 1912 that it would abandon the referendum idea and return to the full tariff policy .
13 But these days not even a king 's ransom would tempt ‘ Arry to ditch Yorkshire and return to the bright lights of London .
14 Nevertheless , it was obvious that the impetus which the trades unions had gained would lead to conflict with the government once attempts were made , by government and employers alike to remove the wartime regulations and return to the competitive situation of the pre-war world .
15 After the nightmare images conjured up by John and Charles it was reassuring to drive through the historic streets of Sandwich and return to the sane world of the golf tournament .
16 Crossing the boundary , I always check the airspeed because I know that above 60 knots , if necessary , I can make a well banked turn of up to 180° , with virtually no loss of height and return for a downwind landing .
17 Australian skipper Michael Lynagh will undergo a 24,000 mile round trip to Brisbane for an operation on his dislocated shoulder and return for the final fortnight of the Welsh tour .
18 It is much better to get out of bed and return after a short period when you feel more tired .
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