Example sentences of "up [prep] a maximum [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Both sides made concessions , and under the terms of the protocol it was agreed that President Juvénal Habyarimana would share executive power with a new transitional Cabinet made up of a maximum of two ministers from each political party , including the FPR , and headed by a prime minister .
2 Fines for litter louts will go up from a maximum of £400 to £1,000 .
3 Since 1987 it has been possible to ask your employer to deduct regular sums from your pay through the PAYROLL GIVING SCHEME up to a maximum of £600 per annum ( not all employers offer their employees this facility ) .
4 The maximum grant is £270 , and you will have to pay a fixed contribution towards the cost , up to a maximum of £15 .
5 It is not going to require all schemes to increase pensions in payment by up to a maximum of 5 per cent a year .
6 Each copy of SCO MPX supports one extra processor , up to a maximum of 16 processors on one machine , with 15 copies of MPX .
7 Manchester stockbrokers Piling & Co are another good buy.They will sell water shares for £7 plus £1 extra for members of the family up to a maximum of four .
8 Manchester stockbrokers Piling & Co are another good buy.They will sell water shares for £7 plus £1 extra for members of the family up to a maximum of four .
9 Within a few months of its publication the government had launched a huge inquiry into pensions which was to produce a series of changes — including the right of employees changing jobs to either take a pension with them , or leave it with the previous employer and have it uprated in line with the retail price index up to a maximum of 5 per cent .
10 APR ) up to a maximum of 85 p.c. of the property .
11 APR ) up to a maximum of 90 p.c. of the value of the property with a £150 set up fee and three months early redemption charge .
12 Bosch will be able to buy them out in 1996 for 20.4 times average earnings per share in the previous three years up to a maximum of 394p .
13 50c m , or one tenth of the volume of the original house , up to a maximum of 115cu m for a terraced house .
14 70cu m , or 15% of the volume of the original house , again up to a maximum of 115cu m for other properties .
15 An additional amount of £10 per day up to a maximum of £200 is payable for each day an Insured Person is in hospital as an in-patient during the period of the holiday .
16 Reimbursement of additional hotel and travelling expenses necessarily incurred up to a maximum of £300 to reach the booked destination in the event of the Insured Person arriving at the U.K. departure point too late to commence the booked holiday as a result of the failure of public transport services or due to an accident or mechanical failure involving the motor vehicle in which the Insured Person is travelling .
17 Payment of costs and expenses of ( i ) lawyers , legal and paralegal advisors and other necessary professional advisers in a destination country , ( ii ) the obtaining of medical , professional or photographic evidence and reports and of documentation required in order to obtain legal representation ( iii ) notarial , certification and legalisation fees , transportation costs to obtain documents and translation costs , incurred by the Insured Person up to a maximum of £5,000 in total in pursuit of compensation and damages arising from or out of injury to or illness or death of the Insured Person occurring during the period of insurance PROVIDED always that the Insurers shall have complete control over any legal proceedings and the selection , appointment and control of lawyers .
18 or , if you continue on your holiday , we will give you £20 compensation for the first 12 hours ' delay ; for each subsequent 12-hour delay we will give you a further £10 — up to a maximum of £60 per person in total .
19 For entries over 20 per cent above the index figure actually shown , another point will be added , up to a maximum of ten points .
20 light tests — up to a maximum of 1 month .
21 First , under an approved share option scheme overseas participants are restricted to shares under option up to a maximum of £100 000 value ( UK resident participants are not restricted to £100 000 value and are eligible for the grant of options over shares up to an aggregate value of four times annual remuneration ) .
22 A : You can claim daily benefits for the duration of any hospital stay , up to a maximum of one year at any time , as long as your premiums are paid up to date , and as long as the circumstances of your hospitalisation are not mentioned under the exclusions clause below .
23 In addition to any lump sum benefit you receive , Accident Cashguard will pay you up to £80 a day for each day you spend in hospital , as a result of an accident , up to a maximum of 100 days .
24 He may , if he so wishes , include a description up to a maximum of six words , which may include a reference to the candidate 's political associations .
25 In inner cities , within the Development Areas ( where regional incentives apply ) , small companies with fewer than 25 employees will be eligible for 15 per cent Regional Enterprise Grant on fixed assets up to a threshold of £15,000 and a 50 per cent innovation grant up to a maximum of £25,000 .
26 Its telescope will have a mirror 60 cm across , and will be cooled by liquid helium to a temperature of only a few degrees above absolute zero ; and its detectors will be sensitive to wavelengths up to a maximum of 120 micrometres .
27 The investor , who must be resident and ordinarily resident in the UK , can obtain tax relief on up to a maximum of £40,000 invested under the BES at his or her top rate of tax .
28 It is possible to purchase gilts on the National Savings Stock Register up to a maximum of £10,000 in any one stock in any one day , and the interest is then received gross .
29 Citibank Mortgage will pay stamp duty up to a maximum of £400 and provide two years ' free unemployment cover .
30 Mr Schrodinger informs you that the customer is prepared to pay up to a maximum of £20,000 for the order .
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