Example sentences of "who had [be] accused [prep] " in BNC.

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1 GERMANY 'S double world sprint champion , Katrin Krabbe , and her colleagues , Grit Breuer and Silke Moller , who had been accused of tampering with a urine sample , had a four-year suspension lifted here yesterday , clearing the way for the three athletes to participate in this summer 's Olympic Games in Barcelona .
2 The three athletes , who had been accused of tampering with a urine test in South Africa in January , were restored to competition after the three-man commission , who held a 14-hour hearing stretching over two days in Darmstadt , declared there had been ‘ holes in the chain of evidence ’ during and after testing by South African anti-doping control officials .
3 Of course during the previous factional struggles it had been Trotsky who had been accused of advocating policies which would have led to a split between the working class and peasantry , but now it was Stalin who was in Bukharin 's sights .
4 Certainly those who had been accused of witchcraft or committed suicide could not be buried in the churchyard : second best was usually the crossroads , a memory perhaps of some measure of sanctity which may over time have become attached to leys because of their association with other sacred sites .
5 Bowe , who had been accused of having an optic measure of heart , had to mine deep into previously untapped resources to resist a man who had every physical disadvantage .
6 Other controversial congressional decisions had included the granting of an amnesty to Bucaram 's brother , former presidential candidate Abdalá Bucaram Ortiz [ see p. 36343 ] , who had been accused of corruption when mayor of Guayaquil ; and the dismissal of 16 Supreme Court judges on Oct. 5 .
7 President Mobutu Sese Seko signed a decree on Feb. 10 granting amnesty to Zaïrean exiles who had been accused of threatening state security through speech , writing or in any other manner ; it also covered those who had been removed from official posts or banned by the government from involvement in civic and political life .
8 Those released on March 2 included military officers and civil servants who had been accused of taking advantage of the campaign for the December 1990 municipal elections to organize an attempted coup against the regime of President Moaouia Ould Sidi Mohamed Taya .
9 Factors in the resignation of Cardoso de Mello 's team — which had been responsible for the anti-inflation programmes of March 1990 and February 1991 — were variously said to include the unpopularity in business and banking sectors of their interventionist policies , the combative style adopted in negotiations with international debtors , recent clashes with members of the President 's inner circle , including regional development secretary Egberto Baptista who had been accused of malpractice , and Cardoso de Mello 's affair in 1990 with the then Justice Minister Bernardo Cabral [ see p. 37773 ] .
10 Fazle Haq , who had been accused of complicity in the murder in 1988 of a Shia leader while he was caretaker Chief Minister of the North-West Frontier Province ( NWFP ) [ see p. 37151 ] .
11 After five days of peace talks in Mexico City , the Mexican capital , the government and the leaders of the left-wing Guatemalan Revolutionary National Unity ( URNG ) guerrillas agreed on Aug. 7 to restrictions on thousands of army-sponsored Civil Defence Patrols — vigilante groups composed mainly of Indian peasant farmers , who had been accused of gross human rights violations .
12 The 20-year-old single woman , who had been accused of attempting to murder the baby on 25 November last year , admitted the reduced charge .
13 Another German atrocity was the execution by firing squad , in 1915 , of Nurse Edith Cavell , who had been matron of a Belgian Hospital in Brussells since 1907 , and had stayed on duty despite the German invasion of that country , and who had been accused by the Germans , of assisting British , French and Belgian soldiers to escape captivity .
14 The Senate investigation also included the case of Senator Alfonse M. D'Amato ( Rep. , New York ) who had been accused by a political opponent of using improper influence on behalf of political contributors and friends in federal housing programmes [ see above for HUD scandal ] .
15 The leader of the Union of the Gabonese People ( Union du peuple gabonais — UPG ) , Pierre Mamboundou , who had been accused by the Gabonese government in October 1989 of planning a coup attempt against Bongo [ see p. 36967 ] , was expelled to Senegal from France on Feb. 28 , 1990 , on the orders of the French Minister of the Interior .
16 Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte ) and his generals , who had been accused by all parties in the Congress of violating the Constitution , misleading the government and gross interference in political affairs , over an illegal arms shipment to Croatia .
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