Example sentences of "important [to-vb] that [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just as it was important to consider the problems of alcohol abuse in conjunction with the underlying social distress , it is now important to realize that after the withdrawal from alcohol , those more fundamental problems will still exist .
2 It is important to realize that when the speaker uses an ethical statement to express an attitude , the hearer who agrees or dissents is not agreeing to , or dissenting from , any claim to the effect that the speaker has the attitude .
3 Two people who think they are disagreeing may , in fact , be talking about different things and would n't disagree if they were talking about the same thing , but it 's important to recognise that when the university and colleges talk about what they want to do about sexual harassment , they certainly imagine that a range of different forms of response are going to be appropriate to this range of different forms of behaviour , ranging from on the one hand education , encouraging people to think they have a right to protest and answer back , to giving them access to erm people who may mediate and persuade another person who they 're not making an impact on that their behaviour is unreasonable , to the most extreme disciplinary procedures against someone who 's behaving in a way which is generally thought to be unacceptable and who 's not prepared to desist .
4 It is important to recognise that whilst the UK business economy may see a recovery in 1992 , the adverse effects of the current recession on the consumer market will continue to be felt long after the economy has begun to recover .
5 It is important to realise that if the glider stops just within the boundary , another few feet of height could have meant a serious overshoot and perhaps a damaged aircraft .
6 In particular it is important to appreciate that while the Americans frequently accused the British of old-fashioned colonialism , this did not necessarily mean that the spokesman or writer was wholly ignorant of the evolution of British imperial policies since Queen Victoria .
7 It is important to notice that although the symptoms displayed by the patient usually relate to the terminal illness , there may be times when they arise from some separate , independent condition .
8 Here there is not such a clear break-point in the trend , though it is perhaps important to note that until the mid-1960s there were fairly regular fluctuations up and down , but since then no downward fluctuation has ever dipped significantly below the peak of preceding cycles .
9 It is important to note that if the pledge that the Labour party made at the last election had been carried through , dramatically less money would have been spent on health , for the reasons that my hon. Friend gave .
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