Example sentences of "set [adv] in [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Private Enterprise THE UNORTHODOX GREEK Why does a European middle manager choose to set up in business in Britain ?
2 Much of the committee 's and the JMU 's perception of the profession to date has been derived from early visits set up in response to doubts created by registration information and by JMU visits in response to complaints .
3 The intention — set out in Plan for Action — was to increase consultant numbers by 2.8% a year while keeping constant the number of senior registrars and reducing modestly the number of career registrars .
4 Here , operational procedures have to be set down in advance in order to specify areas of accountability and standards of performance ; there must be a monitoring system to feed back information on performance to the right authority centres , and arrangements to correct operational activity in the light of any shortcomings .
5 Are there any matters where auditors ' opinion is agreed to be set aside in favour of valuation agreed between the parties ?
6 The fellowship was set up in memory of Dr Ralph Stoody and Dr Arthur West who worked in Methodist public relations and information for more than thirty years .
7 A fund is being set up in memory of climber Tim Melton , 23 , from Sleights , near Whitby , who fell to his death when he was climbing at Peak Scar in North Yorkshire two weeks ago .
8 The Fleming committee had been set up in response to pressure from the independent schools themselves : their heads and governors had been worried by the drop in enrolments and income in the 1930s , and many hoped to share in the growing national investment that would follow the War .
9 The office has been set up in partnership with FM Recruitment , the London-based financial management specialists .
10 YOUNG model makers Kenton Smith and Sarah Szikora have set up in business with cash help and a little inspiration from a 1960s pop record .
11 The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1992 are set out in detail on pages 15 to 30 .
12 The government 's decision on the Dobry Reports was set out in detail in DoE Circular 113/75 .
13 The flowchart to go through is set out in detail in Appendix 3 to this section .
14 The decision tree to go through to decide whether the Information memorandum is an investment advertisement or not is set out in detail in Appendix 3 to this section and should be followed in all cases .
15 The duties of the receiving Central Authority are set out in detail in Article 4 .
16 The firm 's position on this is set out in detail in Chapter 9 of the CFM but , in summary , concerns over possible limitations on the scope of our work and the possible requirement to return material supporting any advice given , it is our preferred policy to use the form of wording set out at 1106.4 .
17 These rights are contained in s159 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and the rules made thereunder , and are set out in detail in Chapter 7 " Reporting the Courts " .
18 As far as the salaries are concerned the arguments on this have been set out in relation to item ( i ) in question 1 above .
19 The Inland Revenue has commented further on the tax treatment of ex gratia payments made on the termination of an office or employment , as set out in Statement of Practice SP 13/91 .
20 Effective though it proved , the device of holding down output in the hope of driving up prices brought with it problems not to be found in any economics textbook : the global output ceiling , if set realistically in relation to demand , can easily prove too small to be divided amicably .
21 It has dedicated its Canadian historical collection to one of the art world 's more radical attempts to engage the spectator : one room mimics a nineteenth-century salon , with scores of paintings crammed one above the other to the advantage of none ; another gallery , devoted to the famed Group of Seven , contains a pew-like bench set directly in front of Tom Thomson 's ‘ West Wind ’ ( a national icon ) and two landscapes by Lauren Harris , rigged with telephones providing a soundtrack on the artists .
22 Rushing off across the moors he set off in pursuit of Tamara .
23 Posing as the authors of a book on fisheries of the world , Thornton and Higgs , accompanied by an interpreter , set off in search of evidence of the continuing carnage .
24 Not knowing the vintage of this picture , the Doctor and Barbara set off in search of Ian and Vicki .
25 He won a competition set up in memory of Catherine Kenyon .
26 Mattocks Roses go back 4 generations to 1875 when Mark 's great grand-father , John Mattock set up in business in Headington in Oxford .
27 Mayhew continued to give private lessons , and set up in practice near Paddington Station .
28 Later he and Ben Allen set up in practice in Bristol as ‘ Sawyer , late Nockemorf ’ , and after going bankrupt are given appointments as surgeons in the East India Company .
29 For this reason the list of factors is neither exhaustive , nor set out in order of importance .
30 The raised stage to the west has lecterns and sheet music set out in front of chairs , and there is a harpsichord on the stage .
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