Example sentences of "start out [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So there would be no way in which different regions in the early universe could have come to have had the same temperature as each other , unless for some unexplained reason they happened to start out with the same temperature .
2 Number 3 started out on the left wing with Nicholson again .
3 Today John had gone out to lunch before her and she ate her sandwiches quickly , then started out on the brisk quarter of an hour 's walk to her uncle 's church .
4 If you go twice as fast as something else , and you started out at the same instant from the same spot , you 'd go twice as far — which is what you found .
5 After all , they started out from the same nest of opportunities as the rats who are now fatter .
6 Guth suggested that the universe started out from the big bang in a very hot , but rather chaotic , state .
7 ‘ Mind you , there does n't seem to have been a moment 's peace since I started out in the Irish News away back in 1929 .
8 A company seeking a flotation might be better off skipping the OTC and starting out on the third market or USM .
9 That was the idea of the union starting out in the first place .
10 Round the walls were four hatchments vividly painted with red shield and gold ‘ V ’ of the Dersingham arms , starting out from the black background .
11 ‘ Well , that 's exactly what you 'd get if there 'd been a big explosion with everything starting out from the same place .
12 YORKSHIRE today start out on the last day of their annual visit to Middlesbrough but will it also be their final championship appearance at Acklam Park ?
13 Most discordant twins had one or other antigen , Identical twins who are discordant for diabetes start out with the same susceptibility ; it is only the action of an environmental stimulus on one twin , and its absence on the other that makes them discordant .
14 Classically one or other of these things happens to all the marbles that start out at the same speed ; either they all get over or they all fall back .
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