Example sentences of "start [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The mammalian heart starts off as a straight tube and then bends , folds , and , together with further growth and subdivision , gives the four chambers that pump the blood .
2 In the Godfather , Michael Corleone starts off as a good guy .
3 An unborn child starts off as a tiny sphere , soon begins to look like a minute hamburger ( complete with bun ) , and finally adopts the form of a large-headed , small-limbed human being .
4 The first is a surface sore which starts off as a red mark .
5 Freud 's finding was that guilt is , starts off as an aggressive drive in the id that could go anywhere , preferably towards other people , but the superego uses some of this aggression and destructive energy arising in the id and then turns it back against the ego , and uses it to punish the ego , so the aggression , instead of going into someone else or into the outside world , is turned back against the self and to that extent is self-destructive .
6 The ideal LAN workstation starts off with a worthwhile degree of poke ( fast 386 with 4Mb of RAM ) and is upgradeable ( OverDrive socket or daughterboard , spare SIMM slots , easily uprated video ) .
7 It starts off with the prayer-framed sequence of events up to the point in the narrative when Christ is crowned with thorns and condemned to death , but in a more compressed form .
8 The child starts off with an in-built certainty that sooner or later his intelligence will clash with his religious teaching .
9 This — which several British critics have seen as a post-AIDS film — is postmodernist in its mixture of genres : it starts out as a straightforward melodrama and shifts into a horror or ‘ stalk and slash ’ genre .
10 It starts out with a familiar idea and then builds on it , making neater analogies and finer distinctions .
11 He starts out with a full clip of ammo , but watch out ( Beadle 's about ) , it 's limited — make sure you hit 'im first time .
12 Death Becomes Her is a glitzy , glossy affair which glides through its paces in vapidly enertaining Zemeckis style , but a movie which starts out with a huge talent to amuse loses its impetus .
13 The serious student of animal behaviour starts out with a basic premise , namely that every spot of colour , every strange posture , every tiny movement that an animal makes , has some special meaning .
14 This mode of political religious action no longer starts out from a universal centre and figure , such as the papacy , but rather from the national or local church within the state , whose ‘ magistrates ’ — Calvin 's term for lay political leaders — are ideally Christians of moral rectitude , who perform this duty as one ordained by God .
15 A pair of grey-backed crows — hooded crows — flew across the track , and then , as the Land-Rover topped the rise and started down into a narrowing glen , a buzzard soared up in leisurely circles , to be lost over the crest of the moor .
16 Especially when you 're starting off on the right foot like you and Marilyn .
17 Rather than starting off with a blank sheet towards all class members , it may be that because of natural assertiveness , boys dictate a particular kind of response from teachers , quite independently of the details of the situation .
18 You go back into concentrated training in the spring highly motivated , starting off from a new plateau .
19 Starting off from the old town hall in the middle of the High Street he made his way slowly down the road as far as the Black Bull pub , accompanied by Mr Tim Devlin , who holds the Stockton South with a slender 774 majority , and his wife Carol .
20 Mr. Chairman , ladies and gentlemen , it is n't that I would like to say a word , it is that told me to say a word , and I realise I am starting off in the right way .
21 He went outside , shutting the large doors silently and started off down the concrete road .
22 Madge was attended by six little Burmese bridesmaids , who as soon as she arrived started off up the long aisle , and she followed with the kind friend at whose house she had spent the previous two nights and who ‘ gave her away ’ .
23 For Scottish couple Annie and Lachlan Stewart , what started off as a fun Christmas exhibition in their London home has led to a flourishing tartan ceramics business and the relocation of their company , ANTA , to the north of Scotland .
24 What started off as a local sale ended up to prove very beneficial for all the Medical Services branches .
25 At least it started off as a quick explanation , but almost without noticing , she was soon telling Antony everything she had felt or feared in the past week .
26 But , there comes a time in every painting when a clean , new brush has to be used to add detail or to control a passage of the work that started off as a spontaneous accident , or alternatively to lay on a clean glaze .
27 The ST started off with a rubbishing piece by the paper 's acting literary editor , Harry Ritchie , which was followed by protesting letters and the main feature in last week 's Books supplement .
28 Started off with a thousand pound , two thousand pound .
29 We started off with a positive number here , and a positive number there , and we divided one positive number by another positive number .
30 I started off with a random set of guesses as to how to break the code , and then checked each guess to see how good it was at turning the garbled message into English .
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