Example sentences of "help them [verb] [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Another serious objection to this HCF kind of approach is that it fails to prepare pupils for the real world , helping them to appreciate the strength of religious conviction and extend to people of all kinds of religious persuasion , including those dubbed as " fundamentalist " or " extremist " , real empathy and desire to understand their positions .
2 Helping them recognize the feeling of when they want to go can be an important component for the older pre-school child .
3 Encouraging staff to appreciate the cost of information goes some way towards helping them to quantify the value of information . ’
4 The reward for encouraging all members of staff to be active participants in the decision-making process , so helping them to develop an ownership of the final policy , is that it gives the policy a greater chance of being fully implemented across the curriculum .
5 Recognizing the fact that they do not seem to be enjoying their children and are missing the fun of childhood can be one way into helping them realize the value of a positive approach .
6 Anglican polemicists had promised that they would allow the Dissenters some degree of toleration , if they helped them protect the Church of England from the Catholic onslaught , whilst the bishops in their petition affirmed that they did not act " from any want of due tenderness to Dissenters , in relation to whom they are willing to come to such a temper as shall be thought fit , when the matter shall be considered and settled in Parliament and Convention " .
7 She helped them to organise a process of gathering information by drawing up a list of possible sources , and setting them writing letters .
8 Such messages could ( at a push ) be used by players to help them promote the value of the shares in that company in the interminable rounds of wheeling and dealing .
9 More and more people are turning to tablets to help them improve the quality of their sleep but , as you will see , there are simpler and more natural methods which are , at the same time , far more effective .
10 Answer guide : To help them control the level of their expenditure , to assist in planning future levels of expenditure , to help them raise additional finance ( e g. mortgages , hire-purchase etc. ) , and to help them decide the best way to spend their money .
11 Partly because cheap capital and a shot at some financial profits were just what exporters needed to help them deflect the blow of the strong yen after 1985 .
12 They 've built a model of the Venetian coast to help them find a way of saving the historic Italian city from potential disaster .
13 Moreover , as we have seen , firms have developed facilitating devices such as information agreements , trade associations , and price leadership to help them solve the problem of achieving and maintaining agreements .
14 They therefore wanted to encourage dialogue and to provide members with a range of objectives for their boards to help them establish a plan of development .
15 Engineers from St Helens Council 's highways department are now relying on computerised Met Office reports to help them plan the gritting of icy roads .
16 The creation of Job Clubs for redundant members is providing a most valuable lifeline to help them to solve the problem of coping with the trauma and making a constructive approach in the search for employment .
17 This chapter presents a model for transformational change that HRD practitioners may suggest to managers facing this difficult task , and it provides useful information that practitioners can pass along to managers to help them develop the understanding of the process that is so critical to success .
18 The genes of viruses code for a protein coat , which helps them to survive the death of one cell and to infect another .
19 According to the circumstances , nurses either help patients to cope with enforced dependence ( short- or long-term ) , or help them to regain the level of independence to which they were accustomed prior to the episode of ill-health .
20 Naturally the physical bases that are the cause of defective sight remain unchanged ; measured visual acuity is unlikely to be improved , but children can be positively helped to pay attention to visual stimuli , and can be given motivating visual tasks in optimum conditions that help them to enjoy the experience of using their vision as fully and effectively as possible .
21 It will be used by owners , and other users for making decisions in respect of continued investment in that enterprise and help them to form a judgement of managers ' performance etc .
22 They can , as part of their normal teaching commitment , have time tabled sessions to help teachers develop their own skills in coping with special educational needs , or help them evaluate the effectiveness of new curriculum materials or teaching strategies for meeting special educational needs .
23 This will help them to assess the reasonableness of any subsequent offer ; for example , are the vendors to be rewarded for any synergies or rationalisation benefits resulting from the transaction ?
24 It is precisely because I am so in favour of family planning — of women ( and men ) planning their own families — that I am so supicious of any population policy that attempts to do anything but help them have the number of children they think is best for them .
25 It is precisely because I am so in favour of family planning — of women ( and men ) planning their own families — that I am so supicious of any population policy that attempts to do anything but help them have the number of children they think is best for them .
26 This may help them assess the range of teaching quality within the school , on the assumption that a generally high level of provision across the week for a given class will tend to produce better attendance and vice versa .
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