Example sentences of "never [vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like , in England we 'd never have gone to a domestic dispute unless a crime had been committed .
2 Otherwise , he would never have referred to the only point upon which he and his advisors were at odds .
3 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
4 Carl Llewellyn , 26 , was having his third ride in the Grand National and could never have hoped for a better experience around the huge Aintree fences .
5 Whatever one thinks of his comparisons , there is no difficulty in conceding in principle that physicists breaking with Newtonian concepts would be struggling to unlearn distinctions and assimilations which other cultures will never have made in the first place , so that the fundamentally different conceptualizations even of a pre-literate culture might illuminate him .
6 Harry noticed in their faces , as they glanced at Cornelius , neither affection nor hostility , but something he would never have associated with the juvenile mind : awe .
7 ‘ It 's told me things that you 'd never have admitted in a hundred years . ’
8 Genetic engineering has reached a point of such sophistication that there are clear benefits to be gained by releasing from the laboratory living organisms upon which have been conferred characteristics they could never have acquired through the normal processes of evolution or selective breeding .
9 Santa Anna lost so much time and so many men in a pyrrhic victory , for which he need never have fought in the first place , that when he finally met the full Texan force under General Sam Houston he was utterly defeated .
10 His cider sodden mind was causing him to treat his beloved motorcycle in a way he would never have dreamed of a few hours before .
11 ‘ I could never have dreamed of the European Cup final at Oldham or Easter Road .
12 On another occasion , Phil Morris knew that , had Laura been consulted , she would never have agreed to a particular print being produced with a border .
13 Fergie , of course , should never have married into the Royal Family at all .
14 But the converse is that if you can make it work you 'll have bought a fair lease on a prime site that you could never have afforded in the ordinary way .
15 In such a close encounter it surely could never have happened to the local hero in Italy , San Juan or other more volatile boxing outposts .
16 And then it would all be over — this crazy situation which should never have happened in the first place .
17 I should never have started in the first place .
18 It would never get rid of the damned things permanently but at least it would give the Ryans a breathing space .
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