Example sentences of "never [vb pp] by the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But Vienna proved to be the last summit for six years and SALT II was never ratified by the US Senate , for in December the Red Army invaded neighbouring Afghanistan in order to prop up a weak Marxist government .
2 Perhaps the murkiest issue of all — certainly an issue never addressed by the Bush administration — is why the US , after paying Noriega $1.2 million during the 1980s , when it clearly knew that Panama — headquarters for the formidable US Army Southern Command ( USASC ) that monitors all events in Central and Latin America — was a conduit for drugs , turned so suddenly and harshly against Noriega .
3 CDP participation in the 1970s discussions of this relationship , and notably of moves towards ‘ partnership in validation ’ , will feature in the next chapter , but it is important to note that the CDP , with an established office and secretariat , and the authority of the first in the field , was never matched by the Standing Conference of Principals and Directors of Colleges and Institutes in Higher Education .
4 She was never told by the London office or by Mary herself of the important part that Miss Read had played in the Tiller story .
5 Fogarty led all the way and was never troubled by the Dunlop duo behind him .
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