Example sentences of "never [vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Until coming face to face with Midnight , Jess had never given much thought to slaves , and certainly had never considered them as being stolen .
2 She was never given any form of education , and spent much of her time secluded with her two sisters and her aunt , the Duchess of Rothesay .
3 In addition , 67% of the companies surveyed had never arranged free counselling for women experiencing problems with the menopause ; 71% had never reduced the workload for menopausal women ; and 69% of personnel departments said they ‘ would not be aware ’ if employees were experiencing menopausal problems .
4 Imprisonment and poverty never abated that sense of God 's goodness which permeated his works .
5 Even if one had never visited this part of England , the map would suggest that there are fundamental differences in the way in which the landscapes of the two halves of the counties have evolved .
6 " Patrick has never exhibited any interest in girls , " Katherine said quickly .
7 I have never felt such rage for M — even that day when she was drunk and hit me in front of that hateful boy Peter Catesby .
8 He had never felt this power of emotion before .
9 I 've never done this kind of thing before , he thought .
10 But that is quite impressive figures for us , I mean we 've never seen that sort of volumes of figures before , but erm over the last year or two I mean tour operators have worked far more closely with travel agents in promoting U K products .
11 The spectral type is F. In general F-stars are said to be yellowish , but I have never seen any colour in Canopus , either with the naked eye or with optical aid ; to me it looks pure white .
12 I 've never seen any trouble down London , not first hand like , no , never .
13 We can assure you that the Bank of Spain has never made any kind of operation in options with our institution .
14 And she had never had much time for Angela Cartwright , who , when it came to Grunte , tended to run with the hare , though it was plain enough that she had been put out by Grunte 's placing Hyacinth on his right hand and had agreed with Carole afterwards that they would have little trouble finding the necessary fifty signatures .
15 Scotland has never had much time for earthquakes : the national football team already has a monopoly on disasters .
16 On page eight , item one three two , can I draw committee 's attention to , says she , feverishly flicking through the pieces of paper , to a letter that John Patten has written to us , you 'll see what we asked Amanda to do on our behalf , Amanda Root , Women 's Sub also asked her to do that , and John Patten , surprisingly enough has written back , his private secretary has written back , she continues to say , ‘ Mr Patten is used to getting communications from Chief Officers conveying the views of committees , he has never had any correspondence from Sub-Committees through other officers ’ .
17 ‘ But I have never had any approach from Dr Clarke .
18 As I said , part of Barny 's problem was that he 'd never had any contact with people at all , and by the time I got him it was too late .
19 Until comparatively recently English vineyards had never had any sort of reputation for producing fine wines .
20 I 've never had any fear of childbirth .
21 We 've never had any trouble with rats .
22 I only did this because I know the outlet where I purchased the fish from has its own excellent quarantine facilities and I have used this shop for over 10 years and have never had any trouble with fish purchased from there .
23 yeah , well you 've never had any thing from Scraptof have ya ?
24 But I have never had this opinion of Edward Wood challenged in the House of Commons .
25 Adam himself had never shown any interest in Wyvis Hall , as far as he had noticed .
26 The Assemblies never approved military intervention in Lebanon ; the small contingent of Libyan troops there was said to consist of volunteers , and the decision as to which of the groups within Lebanon they should support seems to have been reserved to Qaddafi .
27 The then principal never tolerated any lack of discipline or discrimination of any kind .
28 The stitches are always transferred from back to front , not side to side , so I have never encountered any problem with bias knitting .
29 She had never derived any pleasure from sex , which she regarded with a mixture of lack of interest and revulsion .
30 Never spent much time in Travel Accessories , ’ said Angalo .
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