Example sentences of "never [verb] the [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I played soccer all the way through school and never entertained the thought of rugby until a couple of friends took me down to Preston Grasshoppers .
2 ‘ Fem Sap has never recognized the sort of hierarchy which says that only published authors , or professors of literature , have something worth saying .
3 Gesner moved to mask her again , and once more she darted round the screen , suddenly making great play with the peacock tail , holding it up to hide the lower part of her face , managing to pretend never to see the front of Luxembourg 's face , and never to let him see her .
4 Events like redundancy , divorce , bereavement , family and work problems , debts , separation , illness , may be stressful for most of us , but why is it that some people can go through crisis after crisis and never suffer the effects of stress ?
5 Yet most people never suffer the consequences of aluminium poisoning .
6 As his biographer Suárez Fernández admits , " Franco never cultivated the art of paradox . "
7 Yet they never expected the Duke of Edinburgh to accompany the Queen everywhere , or Mark Phillips to be seen with Princess Anne .
8 ‘ I knew I had landed my 100th winner , ’ Charlie told me ‘ but I never expected the sort of reaction I received from the crowd .
9 This is analogous to the claim Gandhi makes in an address he gave to Christian missionaries , namely , that ‘ many men who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ or have even rejected the official interpretation of Christianity would probably , if Jesus came into our midst today … be owned by him more than many of us … ’
10 He feels his purpose in life is to spread the Christian religion in unexplored places where the people have never heard the word of God .
11 None of them could disagree that it was a species of tyranny that left an unhappy debtor to the mercy of a remorseless creditor whose affluence prevented him from knowing the sorrows of adversity and who , nursed in the lap of plenty , had never heard the call of hunger or knew the cry of distress .
12 ‘ My child has never heard the sound of laughter , ’ said the woman , ‘ and I do n't want him to die without hearing it . ’
13 It 's very difficult , you never lose the feeling of resistance to it .
14 I made a lot of mistakes as any young person does , but I never made the mistake of thinking I knew it all as far as the Africans were concerned . "
15 Rowland Jones , from Wimbledon Park Golf Club , was a promising golfer but never made the grade in comparison with the Great Triumvirate of Vardon , Braid and Taylor .
16 The prospects are bright and assured : ‘ Never fear the want of business — a man who qualifies himself well for his calling never fails of employment ’ ( Thomas Jefferson ) .
17 He realized with a vicious clarity that he had never considered the possibility of discovery .
18 It is indeed strange that Anselm never referred the question to Ivo , bishop of Chartres : he knew him as a friend , but not apparently as the greatest authority on Canon Law in northern Europe .
19 Never as in a time like the present — of radical social change in Italy as in other European countries , of the transition from an industrial to a service economy ( Italy 's second major economic revolution in 30 years ) , of the questioning of many social values , above all in the matter of social relations ( between the sexes , between friends , between producer and consumer ) , of profound uncertainty about the future , commingled with fear , anxiety and even expectation — never has the impotence of literature been so apparent , its inability to say the word which , in Montale 's phrase , ‘ squares us off on every side ’ ( Montale 1977 : 47 ) .
20 Never has the line between celebrity and ambassador been so blurred .
21 Never has the burden of choice been so heavy .
22 It 's not uncommon for victims of rape to be so traumatized by the attack that they delay , or in some cases never report the matter to police .
23 For it remains a curious anomaly that although the marathon has been the classic test of long distance endurance throughout nearly a century of Olympic history , the fastest timings have never enjoyed the status of world records .
24 What Lance Percival also says is that he will never know the depth of Ken 's sexual feelings , although others have produced stronger evidence .
25 He never found the proximity of women offensive or objectionable , which was probably due to Pershti 's gentle influence ( she had not been Shannish ) , but it took Lucien a while to overcome a feeling of discomfort , having so many of them around him .
26 Business mythology has it that computer firms in Japan are no good at software and will never break the dominance of IBM , the world 's biggest computer company .
27 The relatively cumbersome medium of microfilm has never presented the sort of opportunities now presented by digitisation , for bringing together collections of complementary material which have been physically separated for decades or even centuries .
28 It 's at once surreal and introspective , bizarre and brave , but never loses the sense of suspicion which holds it together so chillingly .
29 ‘ You must never underestimate the power of clothes , ’ she said .
30 I had never met the head of governors , Dr Arnold Barton , though I had seen him at several functions , a thin , tall , stern-faced , lantern-jawed streak of a man who rarely seemed to smile .
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