Example sentences of "never [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 " No , you must stay there , " said King Voukashan , " or we shall never build our town of Skadar . "
2 You will never build your city of Skadar until you find a twin brother and sister , Stoja and Stojane .
3 Now , but he forgot to tell the police so unfortunately for p poor old Bill he never got his name in history .
4 Indeed , it had been on roach trips that I have found most of my bream swims in the past and although I 'm a roach man first and foremost , a splendid , clean seven pound river bream has never given me cause for complaint !
5 I 've bought Smiths records but they have never altered my way of thinking .
6 Yet while she empathizes with her Haitian contacts and admires the beautiful and mysterious celebrations she sees performed , she never forfeits her sense of humour nor her commitment to the truth .
7 Phil Allman , Service Manager at Pest Control London North , never sees his name in print although he contributes regularly to this publication .
8 On learning the reason for his predecessor 's dismissal he decided never to put his livelihood at risk by getting friendly with any of the Girls .
9 One answer to this problem may be found in the documents which record the surrender of their freedom by substantial peasant landholders in the eleventh century : the landlords bought their subjection for a substantial grant of land ; in return , by becoming serfs , the peasants agreed never to leave their plot of land .
11 However , he never relinquished his passion for anatomy and , urged on by John Hunter , amassed an amazing collection of specimens , the most celebrated of which was the body of Miss Hannah Beswick , later known as the Manchester Mummy .
12 Nonetheless , as the cassettes of a BBC teach-yourself English course found in her bedroom after the fall indicated , Elena never lost her taste for self-improvement .
13 The painter Vlaminck maintained that Modi never lost his quality of distinction : ‘ I knew Modigliani well .
14 Perhaps the classic case of this sort was William Foot Whyte 's study Street Comer Society where he became a quasi-gang member but never lost his status of researcher .
15 ‘ I never lost my love of theatre , ’ said Roy , 57 , yesterday .
16 He had never recovered his position at court ( perhaps that was not surprising , given the rumours that linked his name with Judith 's in 830 ) .
17 Anyone who saw Bernhard Langer miss the 18th putt and hand the Ryder Cup to the Americans will never forget his look of anguish , but here at GTF we prefer to remember Bernhard 's look of happiness as he opened Kitzbühel 's 18 hole championship golf course .
18 He never wore his turban at home , which always gave Hoomey a jolt of surprise , seeing the knee-length black hair coiled on top of his head , skewered in place with a comb .
19 These could be the positive side of your parents ' shortcomings , eg a young man may have noticed that his father never took his mother into consideration when purchasing the family car .
20 She was not going to start lecturing him now and , in any case , insisted that she never saw her role in life as a reformer .
21 He had never lacked his measure of kindness .
22 ‘ I would never put my career before love , it 's not worth it , ’ she says .
23 They insist that this group is ‘ nominal ’ , rather like Christians who go to church for the comfortable feelings they get , but who never put their faith into practice .
24 Behind the appearance of instability , however , the centre-right Christian Democrats have never lost their grip on power .
25 Owing to such nice folk , warm and kindly , I have never lost my faith in humanity .
26 Mike has never lost his appetite for football , although his Huddersfield experience left him disillusioned .
27 Oh yes er I think somebody kept it around father 's day , a chap named , but it was a beautiful old place and he always , because my father always used to erm start off about seven o'clock in the morning to walk down to Walkers and er call in at the White Hart because they were open at six o'clock in the morning , for a rum and coffee for about tuppence or thruppence , then he always used to er go to his mother 's for his breakfast and er he used to go down and see all the men start off and then , then slip over to his mother 's , she lived on the Road and er she , for years and years this went on that he had his break he never had his breakfast at home he 'd start off going down there and come back to his mother 's , but he always stopped at the White Hart for his rum and coffee
28 Black chat Having never read your magazine until FACE 49 , I was pleasantly surprised at how many features were about black people .
29 I have held no office because Thou did not will it , and I never set my heart on office .
30 According to one ITV producer , a deal of the kind agreed by the BBC would mean that many past video releases like The World at War and The Botanic Man would never find their way onto video .
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