Example sentences of "try [to-vb] at [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Boys 14 and 15 once tried to sit at the back of the coach but were rapidly sent to the front where , it was said , ‘ they always sat ’ .
2 The goat stopped abruptly and tried to chew at the hem of Mrs Hollidaye 's brown jacket .
3 Even in more casual situations people often try to get at the upshot of what is being said with such utterances as ‘ What are you trying to tell me ? ’
4 In the absence of rain , try to water at the rate of 1–2 gallons per sq yd , twice a week .
5 The distraught and guilt-ridden driver was unable to remember the number plates of the vans which he had tried to memorise at the time of the kidnapping .
6 erm Part of the project that we 're on is trying to look at the possibility of tracing timber through from the forest right through to the end user , or at any rate , the sale at the saw-mill , in the same .
7 Erm , we we talked about this sort of issue earlier on , in in relationship to the , to the R A D. Erm , I 'm not quite sure of the strong importance of that organisation to the council , but I am sure that this erm , committee was set up by a number of south west authorities who are trying to look at the future of county farms .
8 ( Abrams was a young , bright , sharp lawyer , always well-tailored , and with an air of fierce aceticism ; he will reappear often in this story as a man trying to keep at the edge of it , and usually succeeding .
9 Although in trying to arrive at a definition of schizophrenia much emphasis has been placed on the disturbances that are found in cognitive functioning ( perception , thinking , and attention ) , abnormal emotional response is almost universal .
10 For instance , when trying to arrive at an understanding of the Earth in space , children discussed some of the following , statements in groups .
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