Example sentences of "try [verb] her [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And , while Folly tried to gather her wits for a retort , he turned to the maid .
2 Claudia sank down on to her bed and tried to shut her ears to the sound of him in the next room .
3 Avoiding their curious glances , she walked round to the hardware section and tried to shut her ears to the whispered conversations that suddenly broke out as soon as she was out of sight .
4 The vile weather had emptied the streets , and made them particularly frightening ; She tried to forget her fears of the unknown in hearty cursing of the rain .
5 How difficult it was to try to keep her feet on the ground , when inside she felt as if she were poised on the brink of a wild and wonderful adventure .
6 She could see the three robed figures , watching impassively as she tried to force her hands through the gold-flecked cloud that surrounded her .
7 Anne tried to get her fingers into the jamb , but could not .
8 Fear sliced through her and she tried to close her ears to the sound , but as if to mock her it was joined by another and another until the air was filled with a shaking roar .
9 She tried hooking her fingers round the door and pulling , but he only laughed and grabbing her , dragged her to him , kissing the part nearest his face , which happened to be the base of her neck .
10 And Grainne , who had her own might-have-beens , understood , and tried to make her stories of the Bright Palace interesting and amusing , and tried to minimise the rigours and the heartaches of exile on Innisfree .
11 Nutty paused , trying to marshal her convictions into the right words .
12 He started to play one and a look of pain flickered across Blanche 's face as if someone was trying to shave her legs with a blunt razor .
13 Juliet , trying to collect her senses after the unthinkable revelation she 'd overheard on Hunter Ward , shook her head .
14 There must surely be another , far stronger expression to describe this mayhem , Laura told herself , desperately trying to close her ears to the mind-blowing volume of noise around her .
15 Jess was still trying to order her thoughts as the carriage bowled down Park Street and turned into Frog Lane on the afternoon of that same day .
16 IN A LITTER of sleeping bags on the floor of the Gethsemane Church in East Berlin , Irene Schwidurski , who had not taken any solid food for four days , was trying to explain her reasons to a Western journalist , with the help of a pocket dictionary .
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