Example sentences of "try [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 About 60 Kurdish refugees tried to mount a demonstration in Terminal 2 but were led away by police who said it was illegal under airport by-laws .
2 Some Boards tried to preserve a sense of identity , basing districts on pre-nationalisation undertakings ( encouraging rivalry between them ) , while others aimed to blur old loyalties in merged districts , and encouraged increased cooperation between them .
3 David Lodge , whose Changing Places ( 1975 ) and Small World ( 1984 ) are among the best of the Higher Education narratives , admits that Nice Work was the novel with which he consciously tried to lose the name of campus novelist .
4 When in 92 B.C. somebody tried to establish a school of eloquence in Latin — presumably to serve some popularis cause — the censors of the day were firmly against it ; they declared themselves in favour of Greek , as against Latin , rhetoric ( Suet .
5 The designer was Margaret Kaye , who had just had an exhibition of collages made with fabric , and she used a similar technique to try to provide the mixture of fantasy and realism needed to match the ballet .
6 But some nineteenth-century naturalists tried to minimize the significance of adaptation .
7 A campaign 's been launched to try to increase the number of Barn Owls in the region .
8 Now one of the jobs of the police force , and especially the CID , is to try to establish a pattern in crime , if this is possible , and in this instance both Sergeant Lewis and myself found it difficult not to believe there was some link between the two events .
9 But when he tried to stand a cry of pain escaped him and he reached for the wall of the stables for support .
10 He tried to hide the crease of worry on his features , but when she asked him whether the debtors had given him extra time he frowned and shook his head .
11 Frank Gilfeather rehearsed his opening , and tried to find a point of interest with which to introduce us on screen .
12 A few minutes later , installed in the office , a small room looking out on to the quarantine quarters , Sophie tried to find a topic of conversation that would keep things on a professional basis .
13 While the mechanics were setting up the cars , she thought she 'd go outside into one of the empty stands to try to find a breath of wind , anything rather than standing in the back of the pits in the high humidity which made her skin glow .
14 A second post mortem is to be carried out to try to find the cause of death .
15 Imagine if Mr Osborne were to try to sell the concept of milk , eggs or , heaven forbid , blue cheese to the British for the first time — how would you rate his chances ?
16 Katz & Fodor ( 1963 ) tried to delimit the scope of semantics by a boundary drawing exercise : the " upper bound " of semantics was provided by the borders of syntax and phonology , and the " lower bound " by a theory of pragmatics , understood as a theory of contextual disambiguation .
17 It is clearly absurd to try to restrict the teaching of measurement to mathematics , and the teaching of good , clear writing to English .
18 The 1982 PSOE government tried to alleviate the problem of knowledge by placing senior government officials on the board of RENFE .
19 He tried to broaden the base of support for the government , relying as far as possible on legal processes in restraining the press and arresting suspects , sacking the hated Minister of Education , Tolstoy , and planning steps to alleviate the burden of redemption payments on the hardest-pressed peasants .
20 A firm with a lower market share than its rival would be foolish to try to play the game of cost leadership through the experience-curve effect .
21 But even in the ECSC Mendès-France tried to strengthen the hand of member states in the Council of Ministers , against the supranational power of the High Authority .
22 Unlike Western governments , which have been careful to avoid giving the appearance of fomenting unrest in eastern Europe , the Norwegian Nobel committee is thought to be ready to try to advance the cause of democracy in a country which has shown only the most rudimentary signs of change .
23 As the number of these specialists increased , they tried to use the idea of evolution as a means of giving their disciplines a vague unity , thus creating the first science of ‘ biology ’ .
24 The annual report of the Scottish Prison Officers ' Association — published today — attacks senior management and declares : ‘ We can only assume that their tactic is to try to negate the role of trade unions within the service . ’
25 ‘ Given senior management 's reluctance to identify the role of area directors , we can only assume that their tactic is to try to negate the role of trade unions within the service .
26 Coventry Workshop , one independent research , education and advice centre , founded in 1975 out of the Home Office-sponsored Community Development Project , tried to service a range of community and trade union organisations .
27 Certain individuals , like Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof , joined in the Red Army Faction to try to undermine the state by terror tactics .
28 but in recognition of the pluralistic nature of the politics in modern capitalism he tried to draw a distinction between state power and class power .
29 The dragon-lady 's in a sober tizzy , eh ? , because they tried to give a bucket of beer to the horse .
30 Liverpool inevitably became the centre for disputes about rate-capping for excessive expenditure , and then for surcharging when it tried to defy the government over expenditure cuts .
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