Example sentences of "company [conj] have [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the first instance , MAS will search our computerised register of some [ specify number ] acquisitive clients and contacts to identify companies that have expressed a desire to expand in your industry .
2 And the severity of the recession has made it difficult for those companies that have reached the end of the five-year period to find an exit route for their BES investors .
3 This study is based on a population of 2,079 UK domestic and Irish companies listed at May 1992 , which comprises 1,664 continuing companies and 415 companies that have joined the market since 1987 .
4 However , it is the drugs companies that have bolstered the UK 's total R&D expenditure and kept it above inflation .
5 Headline is one of the few companies that has lost no staff during the recession — in fact it has taken more on .
6 That is why they will be supporting the idea of a space station as similar to the present one as possible — that way , the coalition of regions and companies that has backed the station in the past can hang together .
7 Last week the manager of a French company that had handled the waste was arrested .
8 The plaintiff might be an author who is prevented by his injuries from writing or completing a book or there might have been high unemployment in the area and large redundancies in the company that had employed the plaintiff .
9 How ironic that B S E L are also the company that have won the order that Swan Hunters were hoping for to keep their workforce employed .
10 The Panel can accordingly request the SIB , the SROs and their members to " cold shoulder " a company that has breached the Code .
11 I had a good job , was head of a department in a large record company and had achieved the ambitions of my early twenties in a brutish , short-term kind of way .
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