Example sentences of "might [not/n't] have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Even HG Wells might not have believed in the last years of the 20th century , plans were being laid to walk across the Martian south pole .
2 The DPP statement on June 14 said that the jury in the 1976 trial might not have realised from the scientific evidence provided that the seven could have been innocently contaminated with nitroglycerine , but that " in the light of current scientific knowledge this was a real possibility , however remote " .
3 If hypertension has been neglected in the diabetic care of the past , lipids might not have existed for the attention they have received .
4 We support and accept the good sense of increasing sentences for offences that are worse than taking and driving away and of extending the deterrent of disqualification where personal injury and damage occurs , but it is quite another thing for someone to be guilty of additional offences that he does not commit , to which he is not a party and which he might not have foreseen as the likely consequences of his taking and driving away .
5 An amoral man applying a fixed morality to others might not have hoped for the success Surere had had ; but now , with so much ranged against him , in a world so different from the one he had lorded it in , Huy wondered how he would get on .
6 The survey of 866 dentists in the dental journal The Probe , says : ‘ When dentists were asked whether they had extracted , or referred for extraction , any teeth which they might not have done before the introduction of the 1990 contract , 61 per cent said they had , while nearly 37 per cent said they had not . ’
7 Like SunSoft ( UX No 414 ) , Cunningham says companies that might not have agreed to the effort in 1991 or 1992 are certain to be driven into the arms of the ABI 1993 by the impending Microsoft Corp Windows NT .
8 He was just pointing out little do 's and don't 's that might not have occurred to the eager amateur .
9 Actually , Edberg might not have got beyond the last eight , for Ivan Lendl played wonderful tennis to lead by a set and 5–4 .
10 Job fairs are usually very lively and informal , and you can roam at leisure , surveying what is on offer and gathering literature on jobs you might not have considered in the everyday run of things .
11 the multiplier was reduced from 15 years to 11 years to reflect the fact that the marriage might not have lasted for the whole of the natural life of the deceased .
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