Example sentences of "might [verb] to be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At times , the relationship between my penis and the rest of my body might appear to be a classic case of the tail wagging the dog .
2 To engage in activities defined as ‘ craft ’ without thinking about it might appear to be a merry dance but the sludge is always there to be slipped up in .
3 On the face of it , the greatest guarantor of the reliability of the WTO armed forces might appear to be the 550 000–600 000 Soviet forces stationed on their national territories , the overwhelming majority of which ( 20 divisions ) are deployed in the GDR ( Group Soviet Forces Germany , HQ Zossen-Wunsdorf ) .
4 This might appear to be the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the colony , but all the bees in the colony are genetically related .
5 This aspect of the story has shocking implications as a representative of what might appear to be the random and unjust way by which salvation may be achieved — although St Peter always wins .
6 Very often such a team will achieve the unachievable and will overcome even the problem of what , in hindsight , might appear to be the wrong strategic direction .
7 The transfer ratios differ in different applications of what might appear to be the same thing : V8 Ninety — 1.222:1 ; V8 One Ten — 1.410:1 and V8 Range Rover — 1.192:1 .
8 It might appear to be an attractive feature of the rational expectations hypothesis that it suggests such a simple method of incorporating expectations into macroeconomic models ; that is , use of the actual value of a variable to measure the expectation of it .
9 We shall show first that what might appear to be an obvious way to proceed is not in fact likely to be valid and that a more subtle approach is required .
10 I might hope to be a better grandfather than I 'd been a father . ’
11 If partnerships find the case proven they should consider how the tensions towards fragmentation might be reduced and how they might come to be a better understanding of the responsibilities and common commitments which are essential in any decentralised organisation .
12 This should take into account the physical , legal and market implications of what , on the face of it , might seem to be a simple process .
13 Property might seem to be an unusual investment for pension funds given its volatile nature , but its inclusion can be defended on the grounds of past long-term returns that have been a good hedge against inflation .
14 From the air it might seem to be an ideal landing-strip .
15 This internal seniority structure and pattern of mobility might seem to be the sole mechanism underlying the making and breaking of gangs .
16 But its reluctant , even remote , tone is that of bureaucrats anxious to distance themselves from what might prove to be no more than fashionable scientific nonsense .
17 Although upon return to Canada for what might prove to be no more than a temporary visit the mother 's situation might be unsatisfactory and she might suffer discomfort or perhaps even hardship , there is no evidence that there is a risk , let alone a great one , that the child 's return would place him in a situation which is intolerable .
18 Which might prove to be no bad fortune for those recruits …
19 Weary with the struggle to be understood , and fearful , like Solzhenitsyn after him , that to collect his prize in Stockholm might prove to be a one-way journey , Pasternak declined his honour , writing to Khrushchev that , for him , exile would mean death .
20 Demonstrations might prove to be a good way of teaching small groups of about five or six students the use of various tools used for information retrieval .
21 The report also speculated that the move might prove to be a political asset for the ruling Golkar grouping ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for June 9 , 1992 .
22 The spirituality of The Cloud of Unknowing never became as popular in the West as the Mystical Theology of Dionysius has remained in eastern Orthodox Christianity , but perhaps in our own day when many people in the Western world have reacted against inadequate human ideas of God , this book might prove to be a refreshing and useful corrective .
23 The managers concerns were that property might prove to be an illiquid investment , particularly in a falling market .
24 Profound disappointment and frustration , however , awaited those — especially in Britain — who hoped that American involvement in the First World War might prove to be the first step towards an on-going partnership .
25 And if the principle works with man as well , then by spending your whole life in a cruising aircraft you might live to be a hundred .
26 Alice and Henry might live to be a hundred .
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