Example sentences of "might have [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Had the batsman not ducked , the ball might have struck him in the solar plexus .
2 ‘ You might have heard me on the radio , ’ she said .
3 I might have felt it as a duty .
4 At home I might have fed it to the fish , but here I felt sorry for it and watched until it was time to move on .
5 ‘ I think she might have done it as a quick way of finding out how the business worked .
6 If , for example , old man Jordan had come into the kitchen at that moment , Wycliffe might have seen him in the mirror ; but what of it ?
7 After all , she might have seen it on the ceptors and come out to help .
8 His boyish , open face with its look of disciplined idealism was vaguely familiar to Massingham , who suspected that he might have seen it in a police recruitment pamphlet , but decided in the interest of harmonious co-operation to give Underhill the benefit of the doubt .
9 And I suppose we might have lost her in the long run , but not just yet . ’
10 I think may- , you know she thought maybe she might have kept it for an occasion
11 The upshot is that Marx never even concerns himself with questions such as the relation between individual perceptions to objects or the texture of feelings , sensations and thoughts , which might have led him towards a theory of where individuality occurs .
12 In his brown canvas boots , faded blue trousers , checked shirt and frayed cap , one might have mistaken him for a man of no consequence instead of a senior member of local government .
13 She might then have sought and received public assistance or have pledged her husband 's credit with tradesmen : in which case the National Assistance Board might have summoned him before the magistrates , or the tradesmen might have sued him in the county court .
14 In fact , I would have hoped that an European interpretation might have presented us with a radically different perspective , something to argue about .
15 If you half-closed your eyes and looked at it you might have likened it to a string of coloured beads .
16 If I 'd told you about the entry earlier on it might have lulled you into a false sense of complacency .
17 Had it not been for the honey pigment of her skin , any one of her small circle of friends might have described her as a porcelain doll .
18 If he had chosen to , Thomas might have told her in no uncertain terms what was wrong .
19 ‘ Would n't have helped him much , ’ Dawson said , ‘ but it might have put me in a more relaxed frame of mind . ’
20 You might have put it on the word processor and she could print off
21 I might have put it in the the bin .
22 Whether , you know , people might have bought them as a set otherwise .
23 Eventually she might have to face him as a customer , across the counter of the shop .
24 I said you might have left it in the car .
25 ‘ I 've lost my lighter and I thought I might have left it in the car the other day .
26 We might have got her at the ferry . ’
27 Milan can be circumspect about visiting conductors , but on this occasion even the orchestra was stamping its approval for Lorin Maazel , a phenomenon I was told the Scala had not witnessed for over two decades ( you would have thought they might have managed it in the recent past for Muti , watching with no evident rancour from the box : but apparently not ) .
28 I might have to modify it in the light of circumstances .
29 His voice was a mere whisper , but such was the effect of his words on the woman that he might have shouted them from the rooftops .
30 ‘ He might have thrown it over the cliff . ’
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