Example sentences of "might have [verb] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It might have served as a link between Britain and the Six , but it was not until after its first application to join the EEC had been rejected in 1963 that Britain began seriously to consider this as a possibility .
2 And Thiercelin wondered whether of all the men in the Grand Army , he alone realized that the charmless , unpopular Davout was a better soldier , and a better man , than the emperor , and might have served as an example to princes , had he only possessed a little more humanity .
3 He implied that a united Germany might have to wait on an end to the division of Europe .
4 If he acknowledged his title more openly he might have to behave like a count , instead of roaring around like a reckless lunatic causing accidents in his speedboat …
5 It was the free-standing sort that might have stood outside a country pub .
6 Silly and stupid , the sort of thing he might have done as a child , pathetic for a man of his age .
7 Give me a figure , that you might have seen in an advert , when you 're drooling over BMWs and things , Maseratis .
8 205. ( 1 ) ( ix ) Land includes … land of any tenure , and mines and minerals , whether or not held apart from the surface , buildings or parts of buildings ( whether the division is horizontal , vertical or made in any other way ) and other corporeal hereditaments ; also a manor , an advowson , and a rent and other incorporeal hereditament , and an easement , right , privilege , or benefit in , over , or derived from land ; but not an undivided share in land ; and " mines and minerals " include any strata or seam of minerals or substances in or under any land , and powers of working and getting the same but not an undivided share thereof ; and " manor " includes a lordship , and reputed manor or lordship ; and " hereditament " means any real property which on an intestacy occurring before the commencement of this Act might have devolved upon an heir
9 An artist has perhaps given as much time to a single major work as a composer might have given to a sonata or whatever it may be .
10 Had the candidate added that dismissal was actually effected by the Crown he might have risen to a second .
11 In one bookshop in Kent you might have imagined for a moment that you were actually in a teacher-training college library .
12 This situation might have led to a drive for better theory for public sector accounting , to sustain these ad hoc policies — but it has not .
13 A greater use of comparison , in addition to immanent critique , might have led to a lessening of prejudice , elitism and class — and Euro-centrism .
14 Are there any other factors , that might have increased , for an incre might have led to an increase in world trade ?
15 And she might have gone to a specialist to have it diagnosed .
16 BELVILLE : It is still my opinion that if I had not discovered the parson as I did , you might have gone to a length that would have put your present situation out of both our powers .
17 In an attempt to find a model of the universe in which many different initial configurations could have evolved to something like the present universe , a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Alan Guth , suggested that the early universe might have gone through a period of very rapid expansion .
18 They looked after each other , that was all , as each of them might have cared for a pet and been solicitous for its well-being .
19 Hereabouts , Beryl Love 's ashes must have been scattered beneath a rose bush , though he knew better than to think Ernie might have invested in a memorial plaque .
20 I thought I might have to paint in a taffeta dress or something !
21 I might have to go for a recall .
22 Without engaging in speculation , it can be said that relationships of this type might have acted as a channel for ideas and opinions and represented a means by which influence could be exerted .
23 Causation or some of it might have come to an end just when I set out to snuff the candles , or never existed .
24 Norman Pereira has drawn attention to four points between 1856 and 1861 at which , but for the tsar , forward movement might have come to an end .
25 Layered bodies of rock , such as might have come from a succession of lava flows , are rare on the Moon , and those observed might be the result of other processes , such as impacts .
26 After a few minutes , his breathing quickened and he started making noises that might have come from a monkey-house at feeding time .
27 She felt that the interview was over , and yet his stillness held her still , and the solemnity of his regard filled her with a curious sense of freedom and enlargement , as though she enjoyed the very fashion of intimacy with him that he might have shared with a man and his peer , even with the prince himself .
28 Trouble is it might have started as a bit of a joke but it 's no joke now — not for me anyway .
29 Seth 's thin lips assumed a configuration that might have passed for a smile .
30 Terence 's face went from being startled by his attack to astonishment , then might have cracked into a smile .
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