Example sentences of "might be [vb pp] as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 providing a pathway through the new thinking on cultural representation and gender developed by feminist artists , critics and writers over the last decade , the book is wideranging ; a useful introduction to what might be defined as the field of feminist cultural studies .
2 Legislation might be defined as the making of general rules to govern future conduct ; under this definition , Public Acts of Parliament are the central case of legislation .
3 These needs and facilities are both part of the pedestrian environment , which might be defined as the interface between the walker 's personal ability to cope with environmental challenge , the location and accessibility of destinations , and the characteristics of the environment en route .
4 For instance , if there are two functions f and g defined on the set of all possible examples , and f can take the value a and g can take the value b , then one such cluster might be defined as the set of all examples x for which f(x) = a ∘ g(x) = b
5 Discourse , indeed , might be defined as the totality of all these elements interacting .
6 As remarked in the prologue , present-day algebra might be defined as the study of ( n-ary ) operations on sets ( n = 2 , but also 0 , 1 , 3 , 4 , … etc . ) .
7 Indeed , communication might be defined as the conversion of new information into given information , and a successful communicator as a person who correctly assesses the state of knowledge of his or her interlocutor .
8 An ‘ idea-meme ’ might be defined as an entity that is capable of being transmitted from one brain to another .
9 This harmony might be expressed as an offering which accompanies a vow of some kind ( Leviticus 22:21 ) , or as a thank-offering ( Leviticus 22:29 ) or free-will offering ( Leviticus 22:21 ) .
10 The arithmetic return on a futures contract might be expressed as the change in the price of the future during the period ( F t +1 ; - F t ) , divided by the initial investment ( I t ) .
11 His defects were that he lacked subtlety , was vehemently anti-communist to the point where any unrest or dissent might be regarded as a sign of communist activity , and that he lacked preparation for the tasks he faced .
12 The letter was carefully worded — it hinted that the offer might be regarded as a debasement of his talent , but if he were not too sensitive about this he might be prepared to accept the fee which was negotiable .
13 Outside Ulster , the proposed force might be regarded as a return of the B Specials .
14 A Hollywood studio decided it was not safe to make a picture about the peacemaker , Hiawatha , because ‘ It might be regarded as a message for peace and therefore helpful to Communist designs ’ .
15 29996 preserves many more of his compositions , together with an alternatim organ Mass by another St. Paul 's musician Philip ap Rhys , who succeeded him as organist , and a considerable number of organ works ( including the Proper of a Mass for Easter Day and eight ‘ Felix namque ’ which might be regarded as a set of variations though they were not of course played as such ) by Thomas Preston ( d. c. 1564 ) , organist of Magdalen College , Oxford , and later of the Chapel Royal at Windsor .
16 But , according to Haksar , what has also to be taken into consideration is the risk of violence that might result from not allowing people to express their feeling and here civil disobedience might be regarded as a safety valve .
17 If there is a small degradation of performance when 15 or more machines are in use but otherwise the network is fine , this might be regarded as a breach of warranty .
18 Even the family allowances , though based in their present form upon the experience and conditions of the inter-war years — when Seebohm Rowntree 's surveys in York suggested that one male in four earned less than was necessary to maintain a man , wife and two children above the poverty line — consist of a simple system of payments and enter into budgetary habits and expectations no more and no less than the fiscal allowances , of which I once suggested to a CPC conference they might be regarded as an extension .
19 The early part of the present century was quiet in volcanic terms , and the warming might be explained as a result of dust clearing from the stratosphere , while the recent cooling trend coincides with increasing volcanic activity .
20 The decision might be explained as an attempt to remedy the absence of an offence which penalizes such voyeurs .
21 Once again , this association might be explained as the consequence of bringing up a child vulnerable to schizophrenia .
22 While the General Strike might be viewed as a watershed by some historians who feel that the trade union position worsened considerably after 1926 , this was clearly not the case ; trade unions were less frequently attacked by employers after 1926 than before and the pace of wage reductions slowed considerably .
23 Whilst the self-appraisal might be viewed as the school 's attempt to defend its policies and practices , rather than to appraise itself , and to make a special case for extra resources and improved staffing , the inspection could be seen as a process of ensuring that the school was performing to an acceptable standard and that no serious problems existed in terms of teacher performance and in terms of resources needed to carry out the curriculum .
24 To some extent the work might be categorised as a study in the various possible kinds of orchestral glissandi ; or indeed as a specious of tuba concerto , for that instrument , so evocative of whales and fog-signals and ships ' sirens , often plays a quasi-obbligato role .
25 A set of criteria might be given as a list , but it is more likely that at least some of the relationships between individual criteria will be indicated .
26 The offences of organisation and participation are made subject to what might be seen as a kind of impossibility defence .
27 What from the central perspective might be seen as an instrument of public expenditure control , from the local level might be seen as a threat to the fabric of local government itself .
28 The solution of such limited problems might be seen as a triumph of " method " as much as a source of new knowledge .
29 And there is a point of view from which Ronald Fraser might be seen as a man of Marxist leanings who paid a professional adviser what may have been a fair whack of a working man 's wages to enquire with him into the deficiencies of his affective life .
30 The compilation , therefore , might be seen as a collection of model letters , appropriate to all sorts of circumstances , formal and informal .
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