Example sentences of "might be [vb pp] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To take another example : Radioactivity in the surface and coastal waters of the British Isles , 1977 might be converted to an alphabetical description such as : Water pollutants Radioactive materials — Great Britain or into a classification notation such as 628.16850941 .
2 From any clutch it 's possible that one or two would n't hatch , and if food was short a little chick might be killed by an elder sibling ( or by its mother so that the stronger chick would survive ) .
3 In that context it had long been accepted that the settlement of individual claims might be incorporated into an overall package .
4 This line of reasoning then raises the question of what might be regarded as an accurate description of the language of ordinary children at different ages .
5 Jade however consists of a tangled mass of needle crystals , tightly packed together but with poor adhesion at the interfaces and might be regarded as an inorganic equivalent to a briar pipe or a bamboo root .
6 The high proportion of symptomatic patients without detectable pathogens especially at early stages of HIV infection , and furthermore the poor correlation of infections and symptoms might be explained by an enteropathogenic role of HIV itself .
7 While not inviting the Board to adopt in regard to Zaidie and Matadial a rule such as that which applies to accomplices , the alleged victims of sexual assaults and young children , the defendant submitted that there was an obligation ( not performed in this case ) to advise the jury to proceed with caution where there was material to suggest that the evidence of the witnesses might be tainted by an improper motive .
8 You must report a respiratory rate lower than 12 per minute , a tachypnoea or any abnormality , such as wheezing or noisy respirations which might be caused by an obstructed airway .
9 On the information given ( which is , for example , all that might be given in an intermediate credit advertisement under the Consumer Credit ( Advertisements ) Regulations 1980 ) the only way that the shopper , without access to a computer , can decide between these alternative APRs is subjectively .
10 For industrial editors , with our usual slower turnaround times , the DCS200 might be seen as an expensive toy .
11 This persistence might be seen as an obvious contradiction of the prediction that deviations of output from its natural level should be random and hence a clear refutation of the rational expectations version of the aggregate supply and demand model developed above .
12 Where differences remain , a Classification Society might be seen as an ideal expert to decide technical disputes about the construction of ships .
13 A move towards student autonomy might be seen in an increasing emphasis upon the value of students entering into negotiation about their individual programmes , including the assessment process .
14 The school master might be assisted by an unqualified ‘ pupil-teacher ’ .
15 I might be replaced by an old-fashioned advocate of Latinate grammar , and that would be a disaster for the schools .
16 The new development gains tax , introduced by the Finance Act , 1974 , represents the latest attempt to impose what might be considered as an adequate tax on gains which result from the to development or potential development value of land situated in the United in the Kingdom .
17 The alternative explanation , involving a change in the rate of momentum loss through electromagnetic radiation or particle outflow might be accompanied by an observable change in the radiation pattern or the braking index ; we intend to search for these in our continued monitoring programme .
18 This is serious stuff , as might be expected from an American editor who writes Bob Dylan reference books , but there are enough gems to counterbalance the struggle to forge a rock aesthetic .
19 By raising Prussia from the position of a second-rate State to that of at least a kind of great power , and by achieving this with very limited physical resources , he provided the supreme illustration of what might be accomplished by an intelligent and dedicated ruler inspired by enlightened ideas .
20 There was a nationalist fear that they might be confined to an internal Northern Ireland settlement , but this has been denied .
21 To both men it seemed that a way out for all parties might be found in an international conference , such as that which had settled the Luxembourg question in 1867 .
22 Moreover , the preliminary decisions of the Commission as to the admissibility of two cases submitted by British tax-protesters appear to have dealt a fatal blow to any remaining hopes that the European Court of Human Rights might be used as an additional forum in which to exert pressure for a change in the existing law and policy regarding tax diversion .
23 And this — ’ he moved his arm slowly to the side as he was about to add , ‘ This is going to be your grave , ’ but he stopped , for two reasons ; the words sounded melodramatic , like those that might be used in an amateur play , and this was no amateur play ; the second reason was that he felt sick .
24 This might be taken as an informative summary .
25 Equally , the customers of the odour bar might be adopting a glassy-eyed demeanour so as to avoid seeming to scrutinize Meh'Lindi in what might be construed as an impertinent fashion .
26 The extension of policy since the passing of the initial Monopolies and Restrictive Practices ( Inquiry and Control ) Act of 1948 can be seen as part of a gradual and continuous process , which has led , in what might be described as an eclectic or ad hoc manner , to the complex pattern of current legislation , culminating in the Competition Act of 1980 .
27 The author of the book Trio ] and Error ( Hamish Hamilton , £10.95 ) which puts the case for those found guilty of the Guildford-related offences is Mr Robert Kee , who might be described as an old-fashioned television-documentary liberal .
28 Before considering another approach , it is interesting to note that the objectives broadly correspond to Sandmo 's ( 1976 ) introductory discussion of what might be meant by an optimal tax with the efficiency ( excess burdens ) approach being identified with the economist , the equity considerations with the ‘ man in the street ’ and the ‘ control ’ point with the tax administrator 's viewpoint .
29 Neither the stevedores , the lightermen , the coal trimmers nor the seamen easily accepted the possibility that they might be submerged under an advancing tide of labourers more unskilled than themselves .
30 The concepts represented in this summary might be translated into an alphabetical description of the form : Education — History — England — Social Conflict — France or into a classification notation such as 942.073 .
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