Example sentences of "might be [adj] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In explaining this situation , it might be possible to point to sources inherent to Japan — its culture , mentality , religion , or geography .
2 When first introducing the idea it might be helpful to refer to television .
3 However , there e a few points which it might be useful to bear in mind when writing the initial material .
4 It might be ( and indeed I think it would be ) an improvement in our law , if a release or acquittance of the whole debt , on payment of any sum which the creditor might be content to receive by way of accord and satisfaction ( though less than the whole ) , were held to be , generally , binding , though not under seal ; nor should I be unwilling to see equal force given to a prospective agreement , like the present , in writing though not under seal ; but I think it impossible , without refinements which practically alter the sense of the word , to treat such a release or acquittance as supported by any new consideration proceeding from the debtor .
5 We are now opening the group to new members , so if you think you might be interested come to Wesley House , 4 Wild Court , London WC2 on Feb 16 at 2 pm .
6 Hong Kong might be able to deal with traffic by using key junctions .
7 ‘ We might be able to manage without food , but the children wo n't , ’ said Grimma .
8 We 're , working on an hotel project I think and we 're up to week thirteen on the programme and I think you might be able to see on week thirteen and given the information we 've got at the moment as well , it means we 're gon na be working on three floors at once so it was the first thing to identify .
9 On Molla Fenari 's going blind , Haci Ivaz expressed the hope that he might be able to pray over Molla Fenari 's corpse .
10 You might be able to think of crimes that are not generally regarded as deviant — crime committed in self-defence , for example .
11 Wexford thought irritably , and he thought also of his own daughter who was making him scrape the bottom of his pocket so that at some future possible never-never time she might be able to smile without restraint before the cameras .
12 We might be able to pay for Jason Donovan , but only by cancelling the new computer stuff … ’
13 Just as we have found it convenient to think of genes as active agents , working purposefully for their own survival , perhaps it might be convenient to think of memes in the same way .
14 Mr Justice Cooke said that if receivers went beyond the point where they had completed their duties , they might be liable to account as trespassers .
15 In a world of integrated capital markets , countries are often unwilling to reflate on their own , when they might be willing to reflate in concert .
16 After what seemed ages , Dustin thought he might be willing to co-star in John and Mary if only in gratitude for the bit of play-doctoring the two visitors had done .
17 erm My ears pricked up when Mr Waterhouse did in fact say , I though he said that it was n't necessarily help in monetary terms , but some of these people might be willing to help in kind , or in sort of helping as people with some voluntary organisations , and I think , if that was what he meant , I think there again that might be very useful , because voluntary organisations are always looking for people to help .
18 ‘ There is only one whom we might be inclined to compare with Jesus : Buddha .
19 It might be wise to arrive on foot .
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