Example sentences of "might be [verb] by [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The law itself , framed as it is in terms of strict liability , is not concerned with any niceties which might be provoked by extenuating circumstances .
2 Fundamental violations of accepted bonding rules might be achieved by using substituents capable of stabilising a planar carbon centre .
3 One proposal emanating from the CDP Academic Affairs Standing Committee was that ‘ self-validation ’ might be achieved by instituting polytechnic Academic Advisory Committees , on the model of those for the CATs and the new universities — ; such AACs ‘ initially involving representatives of the CNAA ’ .
4 Amongst the early tasks indicated for the Board by the Lord Chancellor was to consider whether the best use was being made of resources devoted to advice and assistance , whether better arrangements might be made by using advice agencies and other organisations , and whether any further exclusions from the green form scheme would be appropriate .
5 Obviously , a bank will expect to receive loan interest plus , perhaps , a royalty on subsequent oil output for the additional risk incurred , although the latter might be reduced by obtaining agreements which contractually guarantee a market for resultant oil output .
6 The need for a review of the existing supply arrangements might be Occasioned by mounting dissatisfaction with current suppliers , or concern at increasing price levels .
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