Example sentences of "might be [verb] by [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The travel pattern might be influenced by such factors as convenience , minimizing travel time and the nature of the business ( for example , the businessman might wish to visit suppliers , manufacturers and retail outlets , in that order ) .
2 In 1966 the applicant was appointed as a lecturer to the university by a letter stating , inter alia , that his appointment might be terminated by either party giving three months ' notice in writing .
3 In response to the SNH access paper , he adds : ‘ While this might be opposed by some landowners and managers , it nevertheless offers an opportunity , as yet untried , for SNH and government to work out an acceptable scheme for appropriate legislation and test it publicly . ’
4 Similar pressures might be felt by some people today — to fight , or to risk injury in certain situations , and so on .
5 During local or national holidays abroad , certain facilities such as museums , sightseeing tours and shopping may be limited — if you feel your enjoyment might be diminished by such limitations , please check with the relevant National Tourist Office .
6 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
7 But at Lowwood , on Windermere , half-crown echoes might be had by those base snobs who would put up with a vile Brummagem substitute for ‘ the genuine article ’ .
8 The wall was as it had always been … but at the centre was a black smear , like the blackened smear that might be left by some kind of fire ; as if a blowlamp had been held there .
9 Er , another bit of the truth might be got by another researcher and er so there will be differences in what two researchers , using the same method , would get .
10 They can not tell us in any detail what kinds of investigations might be prompted by such conceptions , or how they may be carried out , what concepts and theories are relevant , and so on .
11 The courts have gone further than might be suggested by this statement .
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