Example sentences of "might be [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively the capsule might be drifting in the weak gravitational field of intergalactic space .
2 IN THESE PAGES I want to discuss the possibility that the goal of theoretical physics might be achieved in the not-too-distant future : say by the end of the century .
3 A spy-fly might be hiding in the open mouth of any gargoyle .
4 A general problem that might be explored in the other place is how , if there is to be such a separation , we can ensure that fruitful , easy relationships continue to exist .
5 However , only fishing vessels fulfilling the conditions laid down in section 14 of the Act of 1988 might be registered in the new register .
6 This maxim might be flouted in the following exchange : ( 33 ) A : What if the USSR blockades the Gulf and all the oil ?
7 Thus something of the effect of using " the " with postgraduate study might be seen in the following ( still slightly unidiomatic ) example : Of the two phases of study which I want to pursue , I want to undertake the postgraduate study in Britain and the undergraduate study in America .
8 Much might be done in the scientific analysis of these processes and responses , many of which are self-evidently material and physical .
9 Rush is one of that group of people who coalesced in the early 70s and saw the signs that the tide might be moving in the right direction , and that they could influence its course .
10 Outside London might be shivering in the biting cold of a January morning , here in the foyer of the British and Cosmopolitan Insurance building centrally heated air oozed steadily from a series of concealed vents to waft summer warmth into every corner .
11 In terms of effects on the supply of work effort , a case against the current system of direct taxes and in favour of a switch towards indirect taxes might be made in the specific cases of poverty and unemployment traps .
12 The cohesive chain which emerges might be formulated in the following way : The chain is further strengthened by the presence of other cohesive links such as repetition ; in this instance , the phrase " the wall " occurs in both ( i ) and ( k ) .
13 Then the movement might be practised in the other direction , and the physiotherapist guides the hemiplegic hip and knee to move sideways with perfect control .
14 In the summer of 1720 the South Sea Bubble burst , and the dream that El Dorado might be found in the outside world faded a little further , though the Company went on endeavouring to use its Utrecht trading privileges for another thirty years .
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