Example sentences of "might be [verb] by a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The winner of the big greyhound race this weekend might be decided by a photograph … its the semi-final of the greyhound derby … two local dogs are running …
2 This leaves around 1400km of post-collision convergence to be accounted for , much of which might be explained by a doubling of the thickness of the Tibetan crust during the past 50 Ma from a ‘ normal ’ value of 35 km to the present 70 km .
3 The discrepancy in the size of this transcript compared to the 5 kb transcript identified here might be explained by a difference between species .
4 She might be reassured by a test yet is obviously in the high-risk category .
5 Nor does he specify what kind of effects might be achieved by a reformulation or explain how it achieves those effects .
6 If it were merely a handful of Irish psychopaths against us , they might be foiled by a piece of pasteboard with a photograph and some numbers stamped on it .
7 It is unwise to keep medications in a handbag which could be lost or might be explored by a child , with disastrous results .
8 If you 're able to read the signs and identify an area well used by badgers , you just might be rewarded by a sight like this : a bundle of young badgers at play on their log in the fading light of a summer 's evening .
9 Greengross ( 1986 ) has suggested that an ‘ intervention order ’ might be granted by a magistrate in these circumstances .
10 In this book we will be looking at the level at which facilities are provided in electronic hardware , as they might be seen by a system programmer about to implement the most basic software on the computer .
11 Personal ambition might be served by a bureaucracy , but is perhaps more associated with power culture and person culture .
12 Thus whereas an ambiguous clause , such as ‘ bought as seen , ’ might be understood by a buyer to exclude such liability , it might equally well , as a matter of correct legal interpretation , be held not to have that effect .
13 Looking at Saul Quatt , Theda could not help feeling that his fondest hope was likely to be that he might be struck by a thunderbolt !
14 AWORLDWIDE shortage of kidneys for transplant might be resolved by a system of ‘ rewarded gifts ’ , a leading transplant surgeon and opponent of cash for human organs said yesterday .
15 Therefore when , in 1926 , the Royal Commission on the Coal Industry ( largely at the instigation of William Beveridge , one of its members ) recommended the introduction of a system of children 's allowances financed by the mining industry itself but with a hint that it might be accompanied by a reduction in wage rates , the Miners ' Federation was only prepared to accept the proposal if financed out of general taxation .
16 This generally took place at Easter preceded by confession , often in public , in which the social duty of making restitution for sin was stressed ; it might be succeeded by a parish party which played out at its own level the eternal being of love celebrated in the Mass .
17 An opinion made popular by a Dr David Macbride held that scurvy was due to an inadequate supply of fixed air in the human body , and that it might be cured by a dose of that gas .
18 But we are concerned with a fundamentally different matter , the possible ways in which some entity ( or property ) , already accepted mentally , might be identified by a speaker , either for the purposes of his own thought or for communicating some idea to an audience ; in the latter case , there is no reason at all to object to the suggestion that the same item might be referred to either by ( 7 ) , or by ( 4 ) or ( 5 ) .
19 Most documents have many characteristics that might be identified by a searcher as the criterion by which the document would be selected as relevant .
20 The Report , however , suggests that ‘ There were grounds for thinking that in some cases detective officers were interpreting the law in a stricter fashion than might be required by a court of law . ’
21 The second problem is that a lax competition policy might be used by a member state as a substitute for trade policy or industrial policy , to protect domestic producers or to promote export sectors .
22 Jill wanted to get Bill a birthday present , so she went and found her piggy-bank ; she shook it , but there was no noise ; she would have to make Bill a present This example comes from work in artificial intelligence ( Charniak , 1972 ) which is concerned with the attempt to translate the significance of ordinary utterances into an explicit representation that might be used by a computer to produce " intelligent " responses .
23 If there 's even one person who might be hurt by a decision , you should never make it .
24 This is caused by release of carbon dioxide , which gases off providing there is good water turbulence such as might be provided by a waterfall or venturi .
25 Such loans might be provided by a syndicate of banks including some of the country 's own banks as participants .
26 When he defeated her he founded an oracle in the dolphins ' honour at Delphi ( dolphin town ) , building a shrine where he hoped humans might be guided by a sense of otherworldliness .
27 Your new job might be symbolised by a contract wrapped in a red ribbon , or a tiny typewriter , or a bunch of office keys .
28 Both systems might be helped by a swarm of new early-warning satellites called ‘ brilliant eyes ’ .
29 This sort of discussion might be prompted by a child 's chance remark , ‘ Look , I 've got one like that ’ — a judgement which might be explored — ‘ Yes , it does look like that one , but is it exactly the same ? ’
30 But the studies , carried out by the British Trust for Ornithology for the Department of Energy and the Mersey Barrage Company , have still to indicate whether or how the bird population might be changed by a barrage .
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