Example sentences of "seem to have the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of her more bellicose approach , the somewhat more neutralist stance of the West Germans loomed larger in NATO , and indeed it was Bonn rather than London that seemed to have the closer relationship with Washington in 1989 .
2 Already he seemed to have the reassuring kind of manner one associated with being a doctor .
3 ‘ It was an amazing first set and winning it gave me a big boost and seemed to have the opposite effect on David , ’ said Corsie later .
4 Given the Drawing Center 's success in attracting first-rate exhibitions — and in attracting corporate money — Beck seems to have the best chance for success of the three .
5 Antiarrhythmic drugs — Among type 1a antiarrhythmic drugs , quinidine seems to have the greatest potential for causing torsades de pointes and is estimated to produce syncope in 0.5–4.0% of patients as a result of this tachyarrhythmia .
6 Local government seems to have the upper hand on matters of censorship in libraries at the moment , and national Government often intervenes decisively on major professional issues in professional medicine .
7 MORE THAN any other county , Derbyshire seems to have the sharpest contrasts between urban and rural surroundings .
8 The hon. Gentleman does not seem to have the first idea of what happens at Social Affairs Councils .
9 But I have been quite fascinated to see that the youngsters today do not seem to have the same interest in reading the paper .
10 still in , in one way , in European and North American situations women do seem to have the same sort of job opportunities as men do what about somewhere like Africa what about the West Coast of Africa , we talked about Nigeria and West Africa quite a lot , what about women involved in there ?
11 Alan Gordon James Watt would seem to have the ideal credentials for an international lock .
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