Example sentences of "number [prep] [noun] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A number of ships were leaving at the same time — presumably with what they 'd come for , after Recovery — but we were slotted into the readiness pattern at fourth place .
2 So , because of the fierce competition , a number of houses are looking at gimmicks to try to bring their new authors to the fore .
3 Neurons do not individually have the property of consciousness , consciousness emerges when a large number of neurons are interacting in the right kind of way ; just as speed is a property not of any single component of a car , but an emergent property of the whole system when it is operating in an appropriate way .
4 A number of tags are missing from the Text710 tagset because they are for word types that are not found in dictionaries .
5 A number of factors are conspiring against the South Africans and they profess to be having real problems with the heat and humidity , exacerbated by the fact that Trinidad is experiencing its highest temperatures for a year with bushfires bright in the hills around the Port of Spain area .
6 An increasing number of countries are moving towards a policy of prohibiting the sale of fireworks to the public and instead , having organised displays operated by experts ; ensuring that there is careful segregation of spectators from staff who are igniting the fireworks .
7 A number of councillors are asking for a judicial review of an RUC decision not to give them the go-ahead to get personal protection weapons .
8 The number of visitors is increasing from year to year but at the peak of the holiday season this is causing more congestion and overuse of the landscape .
9 Donkey Lane It was intimated that a considerable number of horses were galloping along this road which was bound to lead to deterioration of the surface .
10 Donkey Lane It was intimated that a considerable number of horses were galloping along this road which was bound to lead to deterioration of the surface .
11 However , an equal number of players are working in situations were an ability to adapt to different musical landscapes enhances their earning power considerably , and for them this type of rig is a Godsend .
12 A number of issues are arising in relation to the way actuaries are involved and the way advice and assumptions are given .
13 A number of celebrities were appearing in the Cadbury 's sponsored pantomimes around the country and supporting the Save The Children fund raising activities .
14 EVERY death in asthma patients is to be studied in an attempt to find out why the number of deaths is rising despite the apparently excellent treatments , doctors announced yesterday .
15 We are not trying to say that the number of deaths are going to increases substantially so that the population is not growing .
16 Your article also reported that a record number of stores are opening on Sundays in the lead-up to Christmas .
17 Why does he not call in the authorities that he mentioned — there are others — to identify the problems that confront them and which lead to properties being left empty when clearly , a large number of people are waiting to be housed ?
18 I mean it 's interesting you 're using that , that second you used erm empowerment a number of people are saying to me you know that empowerment is a word they have problems with .
19 Sarajevo radio said Mr Izetbegovic had sent such an appeal , telling Mr Clinton that a ‘ massive ’ number of people were dying in the east .
20 All the seats were filled and a number of people were standing by the door .
21 Over a third of cystic fibrosis patients are now over the age of 15 , and the number of patients is increasing by 100 to 120 patients a year , most of whom are adults .
22 In addition to simply buying shorter spots , a growing number of advertisers are experimenting with how they use short spots .
23 The Independent of July 5 claimed that the Khmers Rouges were fighting within 80 km of Phnom Penh and that large numbers of refugees were flooding into the capital .
24 Large numbers of teachers are looking for resources in the secondary school and classroom visits in the primary school .
25 Countless numbers of people are looking to their leaders and representatives to take bold decisions now — and not to put off these critical decisions that will ultimately cause our grandchildren to curse us .
26 For many people in Britain , ethnic relations means immigration and the apparent belief that large numbers of people are pouring into the country and making it overcrowded .
27 When he , with others , helped to launch WWF in 1961 , great numbers of people were waiting for it and anxious to help .
28 And since John Major wo n't go , record numbers of Brits are thinking of leaving instead .
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