Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He crossed the room then slowly lowered himself to his knees before the great tablet , conscious of how the gold leaf of the Ywe Lung seemed to flow in the wavering light of the candles ; how the red lacquer of the background seemed to burn .
2 But it was difficult to see why they would , given that everyone seemed to agree with the current policy .
3 Why was it everyone seemed to go for the easy way out ?
4 The moon was high overhead — a bright , full moon that seemed to float in the dark mirror of the water .
5 Ringing the woman 's number again , she found her in , and more than ready to offer her somewhat trenchant views on the House of Commons and the way that seminal institution seemed to cling to the outmoded notion that women were an inferior breed .
6 The Scottish accent seemed to come from the other side of the crowd .
7 It seemed to leap off the glossy surface of the black lough , it seemed to echo off the Inishowen shore , it rang in Rory 's ears .
8 His suicide , in protest at the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the forces of the Warsaw Pact — only Romania declined to participate - seemed to catch at the Western conscience as somehow symbolic of those dreadful days , though it produced no result other than a further deepening of the Cold War .
9 Even Daddy , wisest and kindest of men , seemed to suffer from the same delusion .
10 He too had been influenced by Lyell , and as early as 1855 had published a paper commenting on the fact that new species always seemed to appear in the same neighbourhood as a closely related existing species .
11 But the main reason why the tide of Thatcherism seemed to ebb after the 1987 election was that its main claim to popular support , the apparent revival of the economy and the stimulus to productive growth , was beginning to lose credibility .
12 Stack claim that the gun is balanced for colour as well as brightness of the image but all the games seemed to play with the same degree of accuracy even with a black&white image .
13 The same inactivity seemed to apply on the wider front , with the two armies static , no assault on the fords , where opposing guardians stared at each other across two hundred yards of water .
14 Nick and she , they were proportioned to each other , they seemed to belong to the same tribe .
15 They seemed to glow in the flickering green-gold gold light , as if embraced by a holy nimbus .
16 Kenilworth was very different from Warwick ; a great red sandstone ruin that almost seemed to glow in the curious half-light as the storm clouds rolled nearer .
17 Her long blonde hair , freshly washed , seemed to glow in the dull light from the chandeliers .
18 Around her neck , the white-on-white semi-circle of scar tissue seemed to glow in the dim light , like something itself luminous .
19 On the other hand , the ordinary and the extraordinary seemed to coincide at the same point .
20 Apparently he was quite charming , but as the basis of his charm seemed to rest upon the un-startling stratagem of addressing every female he encountered by the fullest possible version of her name ( so that every Julie became a Juliana , every Dot extended to a Dorothea , all Marys became Mariana , Sues Susanna , etc .
21 Part of this problem seemed to stem from the fundamental assumption of such theories that everyone is , initially at least , conventional ( the opposite of the assumption of classical criminology ) .
22 The sentence seemed to hang in the still air with the thin grey smoke escaping from his lips .
23 That last dangerous statement seemed to hang in the sunlit air between them for a very long time .
24 The sentence seemed to hang in the cold morning air with the whisp of vapour it had left behind .
25 She seemed to skate over the next part of her story , but Julia grasped the salient part , which was that one of the English officers who fought with the Italians had fallen in love with her , promised to marry her and secretly made love to her .
26 His olive skin seemed to glint in the soft light of the hallway ; the flat behind him was almost totally dark .
27 Maybe I was less fortunate than my colleagues in my experience of Heathrow , but even my landlady in Twickenham was a most severe character , as mean as mustard with food and I seemed to live in the expensive Airport restaurant even when I was off duty .
28 I said my vows a bit too loud and they seemed to echo round the light oak panelling of the room ; Gill seemed to overcompensate and whispered hers so that the registrar and I could only just hear .
29 The stones in a wall seemed to ripen in the hot sunshine .
30 Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along dark corridors and seemed to expand into the circular chamber .
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