Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She seemed to stand staring at the two of them , and they at her , for a long time , while outside , where night was making of the road a strange country , the vegetation grew black and monstrous .
2 It climbed vertically above the field , retracing its earlier journey , until it seemed to hang suspended at the precise point where it had rested a moment ago .
3 He reached for his handkerchief and dabbed his forehead again — a cold , clammy sweat that only seemed to have surfaced in the last half an hour .
4 Frank seemed to have scored with the young lady too — some things never change .
5 He seemed to have come to the deep , still centre of the sea : a place where you felt nothing , where you saw nothing except the coal-black atoms that danced before your face and knitted up the dark .
6 She sensed trouble in this girl , who seemed to have taken in the entire community below in Knockglen .
7 The strain seemed to have got to the aged suspects .
8 Dr Neil had the baby upside-down and was smacking him to make him cry — having been born , he no longer seemed to want to survive in the harsh world outside his mother 's warm body .
9 I used to suffer from spots , but they seem to have gone in the last year or two , I 'm thankful to say .
10 ( I can not bring myself to follow the grotesque habit which Methodists seem to have learned from the Labour Party of dropping the definite article and so ‘ Conference does this or that ’ never ‘ The Conference . ’ )
11 I 'm Major Paul Richmann , and you seem to have got on the wrong side of General Froebe somehow .
12 So strong is the nostalgia , that Mao , Chou En-lai and other founders of ‘ new China ’ often seem to have returned from the dead .
13 ‘ We seem to have come to the wrong place . ’
14 ‘ The weekly papers in the province seem to have come through the worst recession in living memory relatively unscathed .
15 ( Incidentally , oranges and nuts seem to have occupied in the social life of those days the place soft drinks and ice cream occupy today , being consumed in great quantities even in the most dignified circles . )
16 Lake sediment records in Ecuador suggest that there was regional flooding of western Amazonia 1300–800 BP , i.e. major hydrological disturbance , which raised the water level as far east as Manaus , while savanna regions seem to have persisted on the northern edge of the basin throughout the late Quaternary .
17 This particular form of controversy is well illustrated by recent discussions on karst geomorphology , which seem to have resulted in the general attitude that there are certain forms which characterise tropical karst , but that the effect of lithology is as important in tropical limestone landforms as it is in temperate limestone landforms .
18 It seems to have formed through the successive accretion of continental and island arc fragments ( see Section 3.6 ) from then until the middle Cretaceous and at the time of its collision with the Indian Plate it was probably an area of relatively warm and weak lithosphere .
19 Indeed , contrary to the impression of steady acceleration conveyed by the decennial Census statistics , the urban-rural shift in population seems to have peaked in the early 1970s .
20 But from the very fact that a religious authority who was comparable with the Pope , and for whose position no precedent seems to have existed in the Ottoman state except , perhaps , in its earliest , almost legendary days , appears on the scene relatively suddenly in the time of Murad II , it seems possible to deduce at least part of the reason for the foundation of the institution .
21 In the Minoan period he remained subordinate to his goddess , but at its end , as Zeus , he became much more important ; his original Minoan name , Velchanos , seems to have endured into the classical period as one of the titles attributed to Zeus on Crete .
22 Much of this moral panic about population ageing seems to have developed from the widespread and possibly indiscriminate use of population dependency ratios ( Calasanti and Bonanno 1986 ) .
23 The party may claim to be in the vanguard of history , but its clock seems to have stopped in the 1950s .
24 In the medieval period these were seen as the custodians of an orthodoxy which was felt to be , if only potentially , challenged by self-authenticating mystical writings — a custodial role which seems to have lingered into the twentieth century .
25 Moreover , unless Hugh is wildly inaccurate it seems to have gone beyond the simple quarrel between abbot and flock described by the Ramsey source .
26 Knighthood was not yet a status sought after by the middling and lesser nobility of the south-west , and the rise of new men as milites only seems to have begun in the mid thirteenth century .
27 Taylor believes he must protect Gascoigne just at a time when he seems to have shaken off the horrific knee injury that has kept him out of football for 17 months .
28 ‘ It was their story , everything in it seems to have led to the next thing — now it should have a stop !
29 Under the Yorkists it seems to have consisted of the Great Chamber or Hall , for public entertainments , the Chamber itself , and the Bedchamber , consisting of the private apartments .
30 The primary legend of Atlantis seems to have started in the fourth century BC , when Plato wrote that Solon , who had lived a century or so earlier , had visited Egypt and there had been told by a priest that , once upon a time , there had existed a continent beyond the Pillars of Hercules ( that is , the Strait of Gibraltar ) .
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