Example sentences of "seem [verb] in the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He crossed the room then slowly lowered himself to his knees before the great tablet , conscious of how the gold leaf of the Ywe Lung seemed to flow in the wavering light of the candles ; how the red lacquer of the background seemed to burn .
2 The moon was high overhead — a bright , full moon that seemed to float in the dark mirror of the water .
3 He too had been influenced by Lyell , and as early as 1855 had published a paper commenting on the fact that new species always seemed to appear in the same neighbourhood as a closely related existing species .
4 She seemed absorbed in the young man 's conversation .
5 On New Year 's Eve , when the UN-sponsored peace talks on El Salvador seemed stalled in the dying hours of Javier Perez de Cuellar 's presidency , a delegation of US State Department and Pentagon heavyweights burst into the meeting , demanding immediate results , and sat in judgment until a final compromise was hammered out .
6 They seemed to glow in the flickering green-gold gold light , as if embraced by a holy nimbus .
7 Kenilworth was very different from Warwick ; a great red sandstone ruin that almost seemed to glow in the curious half-light as the storm clouds rolled nearer .
8 Her long blonde hair , freshly washed , seemed to glow in the dull light from the chandeliers .
9 Around her neck , the white-on-white semi-circle of scar tissue seemed to glow in the dim light , like something itself luminous .
10 The sentence seemed to hang in the still air with the thin grey smoke escaping from his lips .
11 That last dangerous statement seemed to hang in the sunlit air between them for a very long time .
12 The sentence seemed to hang in the cold morning air with the whisp of vapour it had left behind .
13 His olive skin seemed to glint in the soft light of the hallway ; the flat behind him was almost totally dark .
14 Maybe I was less fortunate than my colleagues in my experience of Heathrow , but even my landlady in Twickenham was a most severe character , as mean as mustard with food and I seemed to live in the expensive Airport restaurant even when I was off duty .
15 The stones in a wall seemed to ripen in the hot sunshine .
16 But the sailors in the northern hemisphere — the part of the earth north of the Equator — realised that there was one star which always seemed to stay in the same place — the Pole Star .
17 Once again I felt the mysterious pleasure of being in an elevated Oxford chamber at night , among cloud and star , — so that I seemed to join in the inevitable motion of the planets , — and as I saw the sea of roofs and horned turrets and spires I knew that , although architecture is a dead language , here at least it speaks strongly and clearly , pompous as Latin , subtle as Greek .
18 In contrast , lack of public concern , the absence of legislation and departmental procedures , and a general lack of professional concern seemed to conspire in the opposite direction with regard to this elderly woman .
19 " You never seem to appear in the same gown twice running .
20 But for some , however much we wish it to be otherwise , grounds for divorce seem pressing in the desperate unhappiness and pain either or both partners appear to be experiencing .
21 Fundamentally however , all objects such as ‘ chapters ’ , ‘ sections ’ , ‘ entries ’ , ‘ acts ’ and ‘ scenes ’ , ‘ cantos ’ etc. seem to behave in the same way : they are incomplete in themselves , and often nest hierarchically .
22 Every other group produces more sophisticated results than yours , your own results seem to vanish in the general feedback , and to cap it all she then shows you work which is more sophisticated than any of yours , probably containing a result which is on the A level further mathematics syllabus , and declares that it is work from mixed-ability 13 year olds !
23 We seem to specialize in the following areas : paperwork , gerontology , maladies of the central nervous system , and what they call talkdown .
24 Moreover the provisions of section 2(1) ( a ) also seem to point in the same direction .
25 When Batty comes back , why not preserve the current formation and make him the fifth defender , seeing as Speed seems to revel in the central midfield .
26 The whole Creation aesthetic seems based in the sad conviction that rock is over , it 's been and gone , and all that 's left is to uphold the legacy through the Dark Ages of Plastic Pop .
27 The explanation of these apparent omissions seems to lie in the forty years that separate the story , which extends to include the first Reform Bill in 1832 , from the date of its publication shortly after the passing of the second Reform Bill in 1861 .
28 Although the author pays lip-service to the idea of climbing as a form of meditation and the reward lying in the process rather than the achievement , the main thrust seems to lie in the opposite direction , in the acquisition of things .
29 And yet , at the same time , central government has imposed the National Curriculum on the education system which seems to move in the opposite direction .
30 The date of construction of the wall , which has not been established with any precision , would seem to lie in the third century .
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