Example sentences of "number of [noun] [verb] to a " in BNC.

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1 By asking such questions it ought to be possible to begin to address systematically some of the sources of organizational diversity which both modernity and postmodernity present to us in their many authentic ways , rather than trying to push them all into a limited number of boxes made to a dominant pattern .
2 He studied geographical variations in the number of species belonging to a genus , showing that in France , for instance , there was an average of 7.2 species per genus , while in Britain the corresponding figure was 2.3 .
3 Alternatively , farmers could treat plants that act as alternative hosts for the pest and so reduce the number of pests migrating to a susceptible crop .
4 The clinical interview provided information about the severity and diagnosis of disorders , but also enabled researchers to measure onset and course using a concept of change-points : a point in time when an increase or decrease in the number of symptoms led to a noticeable change in a woman 's psychiatric state .
5 Amongst certain workers the average number of children born to a family fell by nearly 35 per cent between 1900 and 1911 .
6 In all developing countries for which data are available , the number of children born to a woman during her childbearing years was , on average , 70 children if she married at age 17 or earlier , 6.1 if the marriage occurred at age 20–21 , and only 4.2 if she was older than 24 years when first married .
7 In Mauritania , for instance , where only one per cent of women uses contraception , the average number of children born to a woman is only 6.25 and the number surviving is even fewer .
8 Because bills are now lower , fewer people face large increases , so the number of people entitled to a reduction will be less than originally expected .
9 This intensive care area should provide some degree of physical security by having the number of exits reduced to a minimum , preferably only one .
10 After allowing for the much higher non-attendance rate in controls , the annual rate of eye examination per patient and the number of patients referred to a hospital ophthalmic clinic were comparable in the two groups .
11 It is an impossibly restricted view , therefore , to imagine a universal approach to landform study being based only upon consideration of historical development … the physical and the resulting psychological , inability of geographers to handle successfully the simultaneous operation of a number of causes contributing to a given effect has been one of the greatest impediments to the advancement of their discipline .
12 On the other hand , it will be argued that the large number of arrests points to a malaise of such dimensions that it can not completely be dealt with by a police investigation and that a wider inquiry is called for .
13 Semi-proletarianisation is closely linked to temporary intra-rural migration , as numbers of peasants move to a particular area for seasonal work and then move back to their small plots of land or on to another area , where a different crop has reached the planting or harvesting stage .
14 She sees a danger if the rising numbers of sufferers lead to a majority of residents having dementia .
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