Example sentences of "need to be [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Also , the need to treat each instalment as a separate amount for ageing purposes means that a great deal of care will need to be given to the analysis of repayment mortgages .
2 In relation to the latter , consideration will need to be given to the possible incidence of income or corporation tax , taking into account taxable profits arising from project cash flows .
3 One distinction between an assignment at equity and under statute is that , for an equitable assignment to be valid , written notice does not need to be given to the supplier whereas it is an essential part of the statutory transfer ( see above ) .
4 In this respect , attention would need to be given to the ways in which the students sought to map meanings onto the text , and how , more specifically , they attempted to relate propositions in the text despite the absence of overt 'surface " clues .
5 In the event of a suspicious account , a photocopy may need to be sent to the ‘ hospital ’ or ‘ clinic ’ for verification and the Claimant should be instructed to contact the ‘ clinic ’ to verify the account and confirm to us immediately .
6 Throughout the transaction process announcements in accordance with the Yellow and Blue Book will need to be made to the Exchange and simultaneously transmitted to shareholders .
7 Erm in my view , it has to link in somewhere into the primary i into the road network and it 's not appropriate to link it into er the local road system and er therefore I think it 's inevitable that a linkage will need to be made to the primary road network .
8 That is , the budget line 45 would need to be pushed to the right until it passed through point 9 .
9 Rough notes may be entered and do not need to be attached to the semantic net .
10 These wards had a separate nursing staff ; separate and usually more lavish facilities in the way of private rooms and different food ; and the patient was attended by his own general practitioner and by consultants of his own choice , with a proviso that normally the consultant would need to be attached to the hospital concerned .
11 As crime is related to the pattern and outlook of the society in which it occurs , so penal methods may need to be adapted to the society in which they must operate .
12 Unopposed Private Bills do not need to be subjected to the quasi-judicial type of proceeding apt in the case of opposed bills .
13 The one thing at which my constituents are jolly good is feeding their children and they do not need to be subsidised to the tune of £14 million a year to do it .
14 Effective sex education needs to be attuned to the realities of sexual behaviour when the average age at first intercourse is now between 16 and 17 ( Mant et al .
15 Therefore the amount taken needs to be related to the type of job a person has and also the type of training he undertakes .
16 All this needs to be related to the situation in vivo to be of any real use .
17 There is , in general , a greater willingness and awareness on the part of teachers that learning , to be effective , needs to be related to the real world beyond the classroom walls .
18 Marketing is to do with attitudes and action not bureaucracy , paper work needs to be kept to the minimum , there is a pernicious effect of petty rules .
19 Bear in mind that if you do use the transmitter with a line ferret the line needs to be fastened to the collar to assess the actual working position of the transmitter .
20 They argue that democratic theory needs to be adjusted to the realities of governing Britain in the twentieth century .
21 The issue needs to be pushed to the front of the T U C agenda and a rolling programme of industrial action in key services nationwide throughout the public services should take place .
22 Moreover , a major qualification needs to be made to the view that broadcasting in the ex-British territories was everywhere cast in the BBC 's image .
23 If a work is out of print , reference needs to be made to the publisher .
24 This is a difficult decision for the Ministero di Beni Culturali in Rome , and its new head Alberto Ronchey , as it is unable to provide all the funds for the extensive restoration work that needs to be done to the city fabric of Urbino to prevent any further deterioration .
25 ( c ) Property held by husband and wife and a third party In circumstances where the husband is to convey his interest in the house to the wife , little needs to be done to the legal title other than for the husband to retire as a trustee ; the wife and third party ( possibly her mother ) will be left holding the legal estate , the beneficial interests being " behind the curtain " .
26 Consideration also needs to be given to the embedding of knowledge , task definitions and database view manipulations into such interfaces .
27 In drawing up the relocation and redundancy packages careful consideration needs to be given to the financial implications for employees of one vis-à-vis the other .
28 In addition to such correction , attention needs to be given to the position in which the pupil is using reading materials .
29 Since careful attention needs to be given to the economic , political and social setting when analysing industrial relations in various countries , it is useful to compare countries with broadly similar characteristics in these respects : ‘ By looking at industrial relations problems within a given grouping one achieves an ‘ automatic ’ , major reduction in the number of background … variables ' ( Kassalow , 1968 , p. 103 ) .
30 Particular attention needs to be given to the preferences of different racial , cultural , and religious groups .
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