Example sentences of "same [noun sg] in the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Learners do not all develop at the same speed in the same way .
2 Use of a chart prevents repetition of work that has already been carried out by blocking any attempt to reapply the same rule in the same place .
3 But a Japanese man doing the same work in the same factory gets paid 30 per cent more .
4 Mr. Watson had then telephoned the same consultant in the same hospital and had asked how long he would have to wait to be seen privately .
5 Do this until you have all uniform lists , that is , until each list contains words which all contain the same sound in the same place .
6 It is not advisable to indulge in elegant variation ; repetition of the same word a dozen times to convey the same meaning in the same paragraph is better than risking ambiguity .
7 The French recovered the lead but two laps later they tried the same move in the same place and there was a collision between the two boats .
8 Where there may be ambiguity , because two works exist that were published by the same author in the same year , the two works can be labelled ( a ) and ( b ) , as in , Kachru 1982(a) and Kachru 1982(b) .
9 Like the case , some years ago , when two men died in the same way from similar stab wounds on the same day in the same street .
10 You know , Elaine did n't register my birth , and we 're not really sure whether the facts she gave were absolutely true , so it 's going to be a matter of checking all babies born on the same day in the same area , and I 'm not sure whether the people at St Catherine 's House can do that sort of thing .
11 Assignment , on the other hand , requires a more explicit focus on the particular property assigned ; what is assigned may be a complex property ( like fairly acceptable ) , or even a co-ordination ; but to expect a single linguistic faculty to make two separate assignments of properties to the same entity in the same phrase would be unreasonable ; it would be analogous to expecting a physical eye to focus on two different objects at the same time .
12 Thus an able 11-year-old pupil might attain level 7 in a particular subject while a pupil of the same age in the same school who has learning difficulties might reach level 3 .
13 The measure is consistent , in the sense that consecutive values obtained from the same subject in the same position agree to within about 2% .
14 As with all my ablutions , the shave follows a definite and predetermined pattern ; I take the same number of strokes of the same length in the same sequence each morning .
15 ‘ Different sizes , one heavier than the other , and yet they are going round exactly the same path in the same time .
16 This approach is particularly useful when their play has become " stuck " , when they continue to enact the same situation in the same way .
17 A given species or even genus tends to specialize in that at the same time in the same area , the same plant species is exploited , and this takes a great toll of water-dispersed seeds such as rubber .
18 A volley consists of 4 separate bolts , but these are always fired towards the same target in the same way as a unit of archers or crossbowmen .
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