Example sentences of "need [prep] be [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 How much detail will need to be recorded on the certificate about the criteria used to pass or fail the candidate ; and how specific should be the description of the tasks he was set ?
2 There are an estimated 3,000,000 objects in the collections but many , including more than 1,000,000 insects , do not need to be recorded on the database individually .
3 Less would need to be spent on the other social services if housing conditions were drastically improved .
4 All rocks would need to be bedded on the filter plates to prevent undermining , as Uaru are prodigious diggers when spawning .
5 Additionally , to address the problem of large amounts of time-expired material being held in office space , a positive weeding exercise ( based on an identifying dormant files by the date they were last used ) was carried out , also reducing the number of file titles that would need to be held on the computerised index .
6 Er and I think we would all er acknowledge er the the precise difficulties of that wording and perhaps a , an amendment may need to be considered on the second line following the list of districts .
7 Farms may need to be encouraged on the marketing of their output … to processors .
8 Every research study needs to be assessed on the criterion of whether it measures up to its own stated objectives .
9 Children are usually capable of organising their own games , though an eye needs to be kept on the isolate or child rejected by others .
10 However , a watchful eye needs to be kept on the New Age phenomena .
11 While the ‘ manufacturing critique ’ of DCF presented by Hill ( 1985 ) may be resisted as argued above , he is nevertheless correct in his fundamental message that assessment ( of the cash flows ) needs to be based on the degree to which order-winning criteria are enhanced .
12 In addition , more information needs to be collected on the neurological status of early treated children from infancy onwards , and programmes of neuropsychological and neurophysiological assessment and brain imaging need to be developed to provide more precise measures of progress in individual subjects .
13 More research , however , still needs to be done on the actual mechanisms involved in local political activity , to identify those causal processes which transfer the characteristics of different local socio-economic environments into diverse local political practices .
14 Thus , selecting cases needs to be done on the basis of theoretically informed criteria rather than those to do with representativeness .
15 Right , no , I think there 's definitely some work that needs to be done on the attitude of women .
16 Guidance needs to be given on the action to be taken once the possibility of dementia is suspected .
17 More emphasis needs to be placed on the continuing role that small firms play in servicing the needs of large corporations .
18 With this in mind perhaps an emphasis needs to be placed on the more practical application of embalming and a greater value placed on course examinations and assessment .
19 It is possible to buy the screwed connectors to join lengths of this pipe together , but a thread needs to be cut on the pipe itself , which means having special thread-cutting equipment .
20 If couple stresses exist then a term needs to be added on the right-hand side of the equation .
21 He , too , needs to be briefed on the need for and the purpose of the photographs — for it is important to ensure his willing cooperation .
22 Even a dog needs to be patted on the head , but you do n't get that here .
23 Well I think Simon for doing it is a really excellent way of doing it , it states the source of items , suggestions or quiffs , and makes a proposal erm , which we can debate agreed , and then it 's for clear instructions to what needs to be changed on the procedure .
24 While the local residents might tolerate the noise and disruption from an occasional late night party , some limitation needs to be set on the number of such functions that can take place .
25 It is being widely acknowledged , in services for all client groups that to judge outcome in terms of reduced reliance on institutional care is an overly simple view of the issues , and that a whole service needs to be judged on the extent to which it uses its residential facilities appropriately , that is for those who really need it , and for an appropriate length of stay to meet their needs .
26 But a spokesman said that even if the Foundation decided not to open a clinic for sex offenders , work still needed to be done on the building .
27 He argued that greater emphasis needed to be placed on the practical applications of scientific work if Britain 's economic downturn were to be reversed .
28 Most people accepted more money needed to be spent on the railways with extra staff to keep them going , he said .
29 Phillips 's original exercise had many features which were attractive to applied econometricians : the initial empirical work had been rather haphazard , leaving many important hypotheses untested ; the estimation techniques were simple ; it was a reduced form equation , a collapsed version of a larger structural model , leading to the possibility of biases ; in addition to the omission of many potentially significant explanatory variables , much refinement needed to be performed on the time series data .
30 The profession needed to be educated on the subject of undertakings , and any rules which might be introduced should be limited to undertakings given in the course of conveyancing transactions .
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