Example sentences of "work out at [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We have setpiece debates on the European Community budget — we had one in only 90 minutes last week , which worked out at a rate of about half a billion pounds per minute of our debate .
2 They are much easier to fit earlier than later ; wires can be more easily concealed and circuits worked out at the start of kitchen planning .
3 Plans of reform were worked out at a succession of Councils or synods attended only by Western bishops .
4 The agreement to form separate groups was worked out at a meeting on Feb. 10 at the presidential residence in Lany , attended also by Czechoslovak President Vaclav Havel , who numbered many Liberal Club supporters among his closest associates but who had remained outside the conflict .
5 The death toll has worked out at the equivalent of seven a week since the two companies responsible for investing £190million in government securities went into liquidation last June .
6 The effect of the Jade Griffon is worked out at the end of each shooting phase and at the end of each hand-to-hand combat phase .
7 If we are to confront these matters , they need to be worked out at the levels of the individual student experience , the curriculum and the institution as a whole .
8 In the first week of October , Seth momentarily returned to the Spartan ritual that had produced Homeboy : rising at six am , working out at the Y for an hour , sitting down to write by seven .
9 Unlike building model aeroplanes or playing computer games , you can consume the finished product , which works out at a cost of 10p a pint .
10 Moderator that works out at a contribution of seventy five pence per minute towards the actual cost of our operation of forty pounds and twenty three pence per minute .
11 And when you consider that those prices include a £5 donation to The Spastics Society , the music works out at a fiver per CD or cassette !
12 According to recent reports , there is £8bn outstanding on credit cards in the UK , which works out at an average of between £350 and £400 on each card in issue with an interest rate of about 26 per cent a year .
13 This works out at the equivalent of just £10 per day .
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