Example sentences of "work [prep] the same [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The best way to prepare for this is to work through the same processes as historians working with a wide range of documents .
2 And er he was there for quite a number of years and then went to just for a few years , and came back to Galashiels to work with the same firm and then he started business on his own .
3 The women go out to work in the same way as other women , but know that their main priority in life is to care for their families .
4 However , the one thing that instantly distinguished PageMaker from the rest was the fact that it had been designed to work in the same way as a traditional paste-up table .
5 If he categorically refused to work in the same Laboratory as Lorrimer , one of them would have to go .
6 The human mind — which , from this viewpoint , is the brain — is said to work on the same plan as a computer , with operations being carried out on physical symbols .
7 in psychology and chucked in electrical engineering and started a psychology course and he had to work at the same time as he studied for some of that time
8 Health warnings on advertisements do not work for the same reason as health warnings on labels — they represent a token gesture which will have no material effect .
9 It could work in the same way as the present ‘ attendance allowance ’ , a payment made to severely disabled people which they can then choose how to spend on their care .
10 While we can see that horses are adept , sensitive and subtle communicators , human observers suffer from the disadvantage that our sense organs do not work in the same way as theirs .
11 If we look only at the output we may not learn anything , because if everyone is putting in the right amount of effort the system may still work in the same way as the arrow in the drawing does eventually find its way in the right direction .
12 If the government intervenes to ‘ peg ’ ( i.e. fix ) the exchange rate or even to prevent excessive fluctuations , the transmission mechanism will not work in the same way as we have described .
13 It would work in the same way as the gas and electricity national grids .
14 The inner-city indicators were based largely on territorial assumptions , for example that people might have close relatives living in the same street or the next street , and that people would work in the same places as some of their close neighbours ( L. Milroy 1987 : 141–2 ) .
15 As Levi-Strauss was to argue , different histories have different temporalities : the time scales of the sciences do not work at the same pace as other forms of history : they have their own dynamic , their own rhythm , their own times , sometimes fast , sometimes slow , that do not operate by the ordinary round of the year ; Bachelard was fond of pointing out that from a scientific point of view the ten years from 1920 to 1930 were as long an era as the previous five hundred .
16 Fleming sought help in identifying the mould from the mycologist La Touche , who worked in the same building and who thought that of the many species of Penicillium , it was most like Penicillium rubrum .
17 In this strange institution we did not even know all the people who worked in the same room as ourselves , as the action went on twenty-four hours a day , and we were on duty on varying shifts .
18 ‘ He was a very old man who worked in the same room as John Dyson and myself . ’
19 Jean worked in the same department as a Spotter and Darner since she joined the company in 1969 .
20 The cables are worked in the same way as the first sample but after the initial six rows , the four stitches at the left are crossed , with two-over-two stitches to the right , then after another five rows , the four stitches at the right are crossed with two-over-two stitches to the left .
21 However , they are just as effective when worked in the same yarn as is usual for Aran garments .
22 In this calculation , I assumed that if two women worked in the same office and had the same surname ( provided it was not a very common one ) but different Christian names , then they were sisters .
23 The couple worked at the same tasks as their staff , they dressed in the same way , educated their children at the same schools and ate in the same canteen .
24 ‘ Do I take it that you work for the same man as the two who broke into my house ? ’ she asked .
25 As Dick comes to know Count Jasper he no longer sees him as a villain and realises that this inscrutable man is in his own way working for the same ends as the conspirators .
26 A useful exchange of views always takes place and engenders an excellent team spirit , which proved its worth with the campaign for increased subscriptions when we all felt we were working towards the same goal and had a common purpose .
27 But anyway it transpired that there were two groups sort of working towards the same end and nobody could work out what sort of erm role each played and it was terrible .
28 Some committee clerks come to have an important role , especially when they work with the same committee and the same chairman for some time .
29 Work with the same partner as before .
30 Work with the same partner as before .
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