Example sentences of "work [prep] [art] [adj] way in " in BNC.

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1 As the genes in question appear to work in the same way in mice and people it should be possible to develop ways of detecting the genes in people at risk and discovering methods of implanting cells with the normal genes or blocking the action of the defective genes .
2 Milk distribution would work in the same way in that as long as the milk is put into the system at one point , it does not matter where it is taken out . ’
3 Okay , now I 've just used this one example , but if you look at erm each other and one another there is also a reflective pronoun to find that they work in the same way in the appropriate antecedents and it also works for quantifier pronoun relations every girl admires herself which is fine but herself admired every girl does n't make a whole lot of sense .
4 Yet these million or so termites build their equivalent working in a coordinated way in total darkness , each blind , tiny-brained insect knowing exactly where it has to place its pellets of mud to produce nurseries , supporting pillars , living chambers , gardens , flues , defensive walls — and that extraordinary spiral cooling vane .
5 Oh yes yes er I should say that er Street er Street then you get into Palfrey now you see Palfrey was a little bit less due to the fact that there were a hell of a lot of railway men at work down there , I mean really all belonging to some department on the railway , you get er drivers and all the men and the permanent way of being in Street I mean a lot of people from Palfrey lived down lived in Palfrey was working in the permanent way in Street , so it was a really , Palfrey you could say was a railway community .
6 In Scripture the Holy Spirit works in a twofold way in our lives .
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