Example sentences of "rather than as a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The advantages of longitudinal studies are that they make it possible to study change over time , though as a series of snapshots rather than as a continuous process .
2 US President Bush pledged a fresh US$645 million in humanitarian aid ( subject to approval by Congress ) , while Baker announced that 54 emergency airlifts of food and medicines from the USA would begin on Feb. 10 , although this was seen as a symbolic gesture rather than as a viable solution to the problem of food shortages in the CIS .
3 Schuman achieved the maximum dramatic effect by announcing his proposal at a press conference rather than as a governmental report .
4 The goal of psychoanalysis was the development of a new set of techniques for use in psychiatry , and in this context dreams tended to be treated as neurotic symptoms rather than as a normal aspect of experience .
5 Most important in terms of the overall interpretation of the Reeve 's Tale in relation to the Miller 's Tale , however , are examples of imagery that achieve some form of fulfilment in terms of the reading of the tale as a fabliau , complete with the characteristic fabliau attitudes , rather than as a moral example .
6 That would undo decades of effort to have chemical dependency recognised as a treatable disorder rather than as a moral lapse deserving of punishment .
7 The UK was not seen to be a true ‘ European ’ — a contention which many would say holds true today — and it tends to view the EC as an economic , rather than as a political union .
8 example A thesis arguing that Robert Louis Stevenson should be understood as an early example of twentieth-century Modernism rather than as a late example of nineteenth-century Realism .
9 It is because markets are not perfect in reality that companies have power , though in adopting this perspective it is important to guard against the tendency to view divergences from the model as temporary and aberrant rather than as a standard feature of market systems .
10 He practised architecture as a pastime rather than as a full-time profession .
11 In many cases , however , it is expressed as an intermittent grumbling of practitioners rather than as a systematic counter-argument .
12 Briefly , his interest was in her as a person with opinions and particular professional attitudes of her own , rather than as a female body he wanted to possess , and Maria responded with relief .
13 Non-availability is an idea deeply embedded in the Christian tradition of celibacy ; though for too long now it has been seen as renunciation by men of sinful life , rather than as a radical statement by women .
14 It was acknowledged , however , not least by the participants , that the agreement was primarily regarded as a means of defusing ethnic tensions and the possibility of civil war rather than as a concrete proposal to accommodate the political aspirations of Moslems , Serbs and Croats .
15 If this is the case extrapolated profiles are best regarded as means to supplement knowledge rather than as a primary method .
16 The House of Lords held that the readers of " Tribune " in the context of the copy , would regard the headline as a comment on the quality of the Kemsley press , rather than as a factual statement about the character of the proprietor .
17 The term ‘ local state ’ gained critical acceptance and helped place on a new conceptual stage the mass of research and political activity that had gathered around local , or community , politics since the late 1960s. for those on the radical left , the state , and of course the local state , came to be seen as a site of competing political interests rather than as a neutral set of administrative institutions .
18 The Revenue 's criterion for determining whether a trustee is a " professional trustee " for this purpose is whether he is carrying out his functions as trustee in the course of his business ( being a business which , as a matter of fact , includes the management of trusts ) rather than as a private individual .
19 In this , the pupil was seen as being very much an active participant in the learning process rather than as a passive recipient of someone else 's mathematical knowledge .
20 In common with Descartes , he visualized the universe in terms of clockwork rather than as a living organism .
21 If one 's priority is an account of fiction as a cultural rather than as a logical phenomenon , the problem of how readers deal with Babar 's behaviour is worth considering , whereas the problem of the library resources available to Red Riding Hood is not .
22 However , these changes can be seen as largely superficial of and as a way of retaining the power of autocracy rather than as a genuine effort in creating a constitutional state .
23 Sometimes the business being sold is operated as a division of the vendor rather than as a separate subsidiary .
24 By accepting that there is a market and career structure for the Administrative Assistant as well as the Shorthand Secretary , it is possible to treat Shorthand as an optional subject rather than as a major core element .
25 Although disapproval of sacred dramas continued to be vehemently expressed , as , for instance , by Gerhoh of Reichersburg ( 1039–1169 ) who , according to Kolve ( 1966 ) , warned that he who portrays the rage of Herod is guilty of the very vice he portrays ( a deep-seated objection not entirely eradicated today ) , anxiety about its blasphemous nature was dispelled as more people came to regard it as merely a ‘ game ’ rather than as a sacrilegious act .
26 encouraging all parents to see the dangers of condoned truancy by describing pupil time off school in easily understood and immediate terms , for example in terms of work missed ( eg 20 English lessons and 20 maths lessons ) rather than as a poor attendance rate ( eg 60% ) .
27 In any event , the book was certainly a success in bringing Verkehrsberuhigung as a concept , rather than as a mere package of infrastructural measures , to a wider public .
28 The Learning Log ( Appendix II-iii ) was originally set to provide a model of writing as a means of learning reflection , rather than as a finished product .
29 For example , it is often possible to explain angry and hostile behaviour in terms of an individual 's love and concern for the other rather than as a straightforward expression of hostility or hatred .
30 Employers , therefore , had less reason to associate for defensive purposes since although trade unionism did represent a challenge to employers ' power to manage ‘ it was manifest as a threat to specific employers in specific industries at specific times and places rather than as a general threat to employers as a class ’ ( Adams , 1981 , p. 286 ) .
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