Example sentences of "rather than [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rutter ( 1977 ) has shown that brain-damaged children are at greater risk of psychiatric disorder than undamaged children , possibly due more to abnormal brain activity rather than to a straightforward loss of brain function .
2 At Forncett , the average rent per acre of lands leased was markedly lower in the fifteenth century than in the late fourteenth , although one can not tell from the published figures how far the fluctuations may have been due to variations in the quality of the particular pieces of land being leased at the time rather than to a general decline in rent levels .
3 Budhoo puts the excesses of such ‘ joyrides in the IMF bulldozer when the moon is high ’ down to the zeal of what he calls the Fund 's ‘ professionalized ’ political ideology , rather than to a political conspiracy .
4 The placebo effect means that any treatment will improve a patient merely because he wants to recover and is responding to the clinician 's attempts to help rather than to a specific treatment .
5 The rules appear to assume that a higher level of disclosure should be made to private customers , but unless the common law rules are altered by reference to the entirety of the rules and the assumptions in them rather than to a specific rule , this result may not be achieved .
6 The accredited representatives of foreign States participating in the investigation should be attached to him rather than to a particular group , so that they have a complete appreciation of the whole picture .
7 The restatement holds that no identical systems will emerge , and that the convergence of industrial societies is towards a range of alternatives rather than to a particular point .
8 Because older people often relate events to " When I was six " rather than to a given date , there is a need to build up a framework of background dates and information ( a time-line ) about the person interviewed and his family , and the places he or she has lived in .
9 ‘ whether … its members can work as a team while they are apart , contributing to a sequence of activities rather than to a common task , which requires their presence in one place and at one time . ’
10 For the first time in the history of the Beaubourg , the presidency has gone to a representative of the museum world , rather than to a high-ranking official from the Ministry of Culture .
11 Royalties ( 7–10% of the purchase price ) go to the Charity , rather than to a commercial firm .
12 The sea , too , was considered good for health and the fashion for sea bathing was originally for health reasons rather than for a jolly seaside holiday .
13 For the mass of ‘ non-organized ’ Germans , the ‘ Hitler myth ’ functioned through the stimulation of popular acclaim — recurrent but always temporary — fur faits accomplis , for coups which had been brought about , successes already attained , rather than for a clear set of policies in train .
14 The advantages of longitudinal studies are that they make it possible to study change over time , though as a series of snapshots rather than as a continuous process .
15 US President Bush pledged a fresh US$645 million in humanitarian aid ( subject to approval by Congress ) , while Baker announced that 54 emergency airlifts of food and medicines from the USA would begin on Feb. 10 , although this was seen as a symbolic gesture rather than as a viable solution to the problem of food shortages in the CIS .
16 Schuman achieved the maximum dramatic effect by announcing his proposal at a press conference rather than as a governmental report .
17 The goal of psychoanalysis was the development of a new set of techniques for use in psychiatry , and in this context dreams tended to be treated as neurotic symptoms rather than as a normal aspect of experience .
18 Most important in terms of the overall interpretation of the Reeve 's Tale in relation to the Miller 's Tale , however , are examples of imagery that achieve some form of fulfilment in terms of the reading of the tale as a fabliau , complete with the characteristic fabliau attitudes , rather than as a moral example .
19 That would undo decades of effort to have chemical dependency recognised as a treatable disorder rather than as a moral lapse deserving of punishment .
20 The UK was not seen to be a true ‘ European ’ — a contention which many would say holds true today — and it tends to view the EC as an economic , rather than as a political union .
21 example A thesis arguing that Robert Louis Stevenson should be understood as an early example of twentieth-century Modernism rather than as a late example of nineteenth-century Realism .
22 It is because markets are not perfect in reality that companies have power , though in adopting this perspective it is important to guard against the tendency to view divergences from the model as temporary and aberrant rather than as a standard feature of market systems .
23 He practised architecture as a pastime rather than as a full-time profession .
24 In many cases , however , it is expressed as an intermittent grumbling of practitioners rather than as a systematic counter-argument .
25 Briefly , his interest was in her as a person with opinions and particular professional attitudes of her own , rather than as a female body he wanted to possess , and Maria responded with relief .
26 Non-availability is an idea deeply embedded in the Christian tradition of celibacy ; though for too long now it has been seen as renunciation by men of sinful life , rather than as a radical statement by women .
27 It was acknowledged , however , not least by the participants , that the agreement was primarily regarded as a means of defusing ethnic tensions and the possibility of civil war rather than as a concrete proposal to accommodate the political aspirations of Moslems , Serbs and Croats .
28 If this is the case extrapolated profiles are best regarded as means to supplement knowledge rather than as a primary method .
29 The House of Lords held that the readers of " Tribune " in the context of the copy , would regard the headline as a comment on the quality of the Kemsley press , rather than as a factual statement about the character of the proprietor .
30 The term ‘ local state ’ gained critical acceptance and helped place on a new conceptual stage the mass of research and political activity that had gathered around local , or community , politics since the late 1960s. for those on the radical left , the state , and of course the local state , came to be seen as a site of competing political interests rather than as a neutral set of administrative institutions .
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