Example sentences of "rather [subord] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is , though , more overtly apparent when he attempts to limit the damage to the atmosphere of the conversation caused by McKendrick 's accusation of his insincerity when praising Stoke university : Rather than make a straightforward denial , Anderson tries to diffuse the tension with humour by playing on the literal sense of McKendrick 's accusation. his display of urbane wit brings about some laughter from McKendrick but it also elicits a sardonic comment which is a valid observation on Anderson 's character .
2 Rather than make a decisive choice , he played a double game .
3 There was no fairness on earth if someone who would appreciate it and work hard was kept out just because of a greedy , uncaring family who would prefer to forget the child of an unsuitable union rather than make a generous gesture and ensure that some right was done at the end of the day .
4 Seek professional advice if needs be , rather than make a valiant attempt yourself and then regret it .
5 Rather than make the risky journey to Scone , James III was crowned in Kelso abbey near Roxburgh .
6 In most of the territories they occupied , the Prussians , by putting pressure on the peasantry to Germanise themselves , concentrated rather than diluted a Polish identity .
7 Whitehall mandarins have discreetly voiced hopes that the party leaders will cobble together an agreement rather than face a second election .
8 He revealed that BMW is prepared to withdraw from the US rather than face the economic suicide such regulations would bring .
9 They were not the only respondent of the survey who identified another clear advantage of headhunting , especially for the most senior positions : that staff who were prepared to move jobs actually prefer to be headhunted , rather than face the time-consuming task of ploughing through advertisements or the slightly demoralising task of putting their names down with agencies .
10 Outmoded models are still conventional wisdom and in geomorphology there are signs that , rather than face the new realities , there is a retreat into the more rarefied atmosphere of conceptual model-building and complex correlation structure diagrams .
11 It is worth remembering that one of Ælfric 's patrons , and the founder of his abbeys of Cerne and Eynsham , was the nobleman Ætheær who may have retired from court rather than face the growing influence of Eadric Streona .
12 It is generally accepted that odours per se do not cause a risk of infection and it is doubtful whether nausea , sleeplessness , mental strain or depression , commonly suffered by people exposed to odours , would be regarded as evidence of prejudice to health , as they affect a person 's general well-being , rather than threaten a clinical disease .
13 In so far as it is necessary to have new political institutions , the Community should cherish rather than threaten the rich diversity of nations and regions within it .
14 Even the medium of an academic thesis ( 1978 ) has been used by John Crompton , her colleague at Newcastle University , to express his scorn rather than offer a cool evaluation .
15 Occasionally linen , holland or cerecloth would have been specially bought in for this purpose rather than sacrificing a useful item of domestic furnishing in an age when linen of any appreciable width was a luxury and worthy of bequest ( 'There are 4 very fine smocks in your father 's little linen trunk and one of my four breadth Holland sheets for your own girl Peg … and I desire your father that he will not let any of my household linen be sold , but that it may go to you and your eldest son and I hope to his son too , only some of my broderies of my own making give to your sister . ' ) .
16 Cheney 's decision to cancel rather than rescue the stricken programme was also widely interpreted as an attempt by the Defence Department to repudiate the long-standing convention that defence contractors could enter into unrealistic contracts confident that the government would make good any losses suffered in cases other than fraud or gross mismanagement .
17 With mild behavioural symptoms , it may be better to cope with them in other ways , rather than trying a dietary approach .
18 It will add to inflation and aggravate rather than cure the current recession .
19 Peter began by saying he had decided to use his spare time for research rather than editing a new series .
20 Rather than create a new contract by novation , it may be possible for the purchaser to perform the obligations vicariously on behalf of the vendor under the existing contract .
21 Rather than create a new institution , is it not more feasible to improve our existing one , the police ?
22 Rather than suggesting a different incentive system , which would enable the agency to maintain at least some timber harvesting in many of the forests on the list , the agency is deliberately limiting its options .
23 I read a book by the American painter Charles Reid who said that rather than paint a dark background all round a daisy it is sometimes better to put just one dark drop of colour behind the vase of the petal to get the most impact .
24 All of which is a roundabout way of saying that what matters in this world is asking the right questions , rather than knowing the right answers .
25 just as when reading a favourite novel , we create the people and places described as we see them , so we draw on our own images and imagination to enrich our inner world , rather than accepting an unknown intruder — the voice on the tape .
26 Indeed , this was the very reason that the Departmental Committee on the Treatment of Young Offenders had recommended , in 1927 , the reform of the system : ‘ When it is realised that these courts are specially equipped to help rather than punish the young offender , we hope that the reluctance to bring such children before will disappear . ’
27 ‘ Newspapers have promoted a witch hunt rather than reassure a worried public , ’ it says .
28 The position may , however , be resolved in another way by allowing individuals the right to opt out , rather than requiring the relevant organisation to obtain specific permission from the person on the list first .
29 Rather than regarding an Anglo-French Union as a core of European unity , Churchill believed that the essential beginning was reconciliation between France and Germany .
30 Will he ensure that parliamentary questions are listed by Department , and consider any other reforms that Hon. Members suggest , rather than destroying a vast amount of Amazonian forest each day ?
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