Example sentences of "most [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Like most of the Peruvian children I had seen , the toddler appeared self-sufficient already .
2 Most of the essential tools we use are decorative as well as functional .
3 Most of the outside organisations he is involved with are based in the Midlands .
4 ‘ We have 30 men who are working from 6am to 11pm and most of the extra payments we would expect to receive may go on overtime . ’
5 I still do n't like you much , Major , but I do n't say I 've liked most of the best fighters I 've trained .
6 ‘ You certainly are different from most of the young women I meet , Miss Levington , ’ he observed thoughtfully .
7 Barbour has brought out the flyweight Durham jacket ( £90 ) which , despite the description , is harder wearing but heavier than most of the other jackets I have tested .
8 Used to getting her own way with her father over most of the other things she desired , Freddie 's initial take-it-or-leave-it attitude had simply fuelled her determination .
9 I think all I think most of the other things I the only er one I I would like to raise is that it was agreed that the new committee should be recommended to appoint a press secretary .
10 Caroline Spry , the Channel 4 commissioning editor responsible for series like Out on Tuesday and Women Call the Shots , thinks it 's no longer possible to use the word in its old sense any more ; most of the other women I spoke to agreed with her .
11 Most of the other passengers I knew only vaguely , by face more than by name .
12 Most of the Pakistani mothers I asked were against sex education in school .
13 Thus while most of the blues-derived techniques I have mentioned appear to set the music in opposition to mainstream musical language ( including that of many contemporary pop songs ) , they are developed in such a way as to lay stress on individualistic virtuosity and personal expression , achieved through ‘ professional ’ mastery of instrumental technique ; and this could be seen as at least compatible with the traditions of bourgeois art .
14 And it granted Mr Gorbachev most of the new powers he had requested ( though it rejected his clumsy proposal for a system of local inspectors to help enforce presidential decrees ) .
15 Jeff Ritcher , my choreographer , has spent most of the thirteen years he 's worked on me with his head in his hands crying with laughter or frustration .
16 Already to most of the regular customers she was n't the famous Aurora Blake , but simply , Rory , and she liked it that way .
17 The reason the process of telling the truth seems less complicated than I 've said is simply that we are n't conscious of most of the mental processes I 've been describing .
18 But in most of the specific decisions they took the Allied leaders wielded a personal power which the makers of the settlements of 1648 , 1713 or 1814 – 15 had never tasted .
19 I 'm aware of most of the crazy things they do .
20 The British Historic Buildings Trust is unable to pay architects , builders and financial backers because it can not raise money from most of the 33 houses it repaired in Hanover Square , Manningham , Bradford , West Yorks .
21 The British Historic Buildings Trust is unable to pay architects , builders and financial backers because it can not raise money from most of the 33 houses it repaired in Hanover Square , Manningham , Bradford , West Yorks .
22 Most of the solar panels we came across in our survey used monocrystalline silicone cells .
23 Most of the Italian ones I do n't have any trouble with .
24 Unlike most of the Vietnamese revolutionaries he was never anti-French and he welcomed the company of French writers , politicians , and even of one general , Leclerc .
25 Like most of the true crabs they can be very destructive in the reef tank .
26 Most of the well-bred girls he knew were coarse as cows beside her .
27 Most of the square-skulled men I followed in this way in the streets turned out to have very macho faces , conventionally handsome , proud , even disdainful , as if they felt they alone were the lords and masters of the earth .
28 It 's the same with most of the old ladies I talk to , and frankly it breaks your heart .
29 ‘ Especially as you 're Portuguese and most of the Portuguese men I 've met have held macho , conservative views on a woman 's role in life . ’
30 ‘ This ban is a pain but I just have to get on with it and make the most of the top games I am allowed to play between now and the Five Nations ' . ’
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