Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] out of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's only as you begin to come out of the Ketamine state that you begin to appreciate where you are or where you 've been .
2 As the roots begin to break out of the grains the barley is transferred to a vast hall heated with warm air and turned by large malt shovels .
3 Bradford showed little of the enterprising approach that has been helping them shed a dour image this season , but it was not until the 64th minute that they began to slide out of the contest .
4 We sighted a farmer , possibly harvesting rye and oats , before our target , the shadowy image of Boreray , began to emerge out of the greyness of the horizon .
5 Air began to whistle out of the airlock .
6 Students began to spill out of the building , others to stream in .
7 So that when want numbers of non-directed peasants began to spill out of the disaster areas in the early summer of 1921 , the Central Committee of the Communist Party ordered its guberniia counterparts to put a stop to migration ‘ since the flight of the peasants … will ruin entirely our economic life ’ .
8 But this time , everyone was on George Merry 's side , and they began to climb out of the hole .
9 She began to back out of the room , trying to focus on a picture hanging behind the old man on the wall above the mantelpiece , a weird dark picture in which an angel of vengeance flew across a purple sky lit by flashes of lightning , sword in hand , and below a man with blood streaming from his neck prayed for mercy .
10 There was another clink , and gold coins began to drop out of the hem of the wizard 's robe .
11 A number of western historians of Russia , among whom the American professors Leopold Haimson and Reginald Zelnik were prominent , began to break out of the attitudes encouraged by the Cold War .
12 The doors shut and the train began to move out of the station .
13 As they began to rush out of the shops , the bombs exploded .
14 To give an extreme example , fiscal policies designed to increase employment might take effect after a year , when , say , the economy had begun to move out of the recession .
15 As this enters my head , my negativity begins to flow out of the soles of my feet and is taken away by the stream .
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