Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Because the embryos begin to swim at the blastula stage they must be trapped in a nylon net to keep them still , the square holes providing micro-aquaria through which sea water is slowly passed .
2 Do n't torture yourself with feelings of inadequacy because you ca n't even begin to guess at the correct pronunciation of Abhainn Coire Mhic Nobuil .
3 At the second attempt she made the connection and heard the telephone begin to ring at the other end .
4 indeed , was beginning to increase at an alarming rate — the resources to meet the challenge were simply not to hand .
5 He began to aim at the other man , who was reloading his Luger , but was stopped by the Doctor 's hand on his shoulder .
6 Where or with whom James received his training is not known , but by 1783 he was established in London ; and in that year he announced himself by publishing a pamphlet on A Method of Constructing Vapour Baths , and began to exhibit at the Royal Academy .
7 His fingers began to scrabble at the coarse edge of the steel plate .
8 The porter fell to his knees and began to scrabble at the soft soil next to the wooden scaffold pole .
9 Idly she began to stab at the wet ground with it , but it struck something hard straight away .
10 Spa towns led by Bath , ports headed by Bristol and Liverpool and including the new venture at Whitehaven , and manufacturing centres like Birmingham , Leeds , Manchester and Sheffield began to grow at a significant rate .
11 We began to run at a great speed through the trees , and Silver was soon thirty metres behind us .
12 Clumsily he began to tug at the heavy gold signet ring on one of his fingers .
13 The population of the town soon began to expand at a phenomenal rate .
14 It began to ring at the other end .
15 News of the victory spread as the clans began to muster at the appointed time at Glenfinnan , which , with the mountains rising all around the tranquil waters of the loch , provided an intensely dramatic setting for the formal beginning of the campaign .
16 My brain began to overheat at the sheer scale of the disaster that had just overtaken me .
17 Ethologists have not yet begun to grasp at the crucial characteristic of human beings that tends to invalidate all but the most cautious inferences from other animals to Man .
18 He had begun to tremble at the very thought .
19 Many beginners find it difficult , at first , to remember the Japanese phrases , but within the first few months of practice the language barrier begins to fade at a rapid rate .
20 As growing organisms incorporate radio-carbon and after death of the organism the trapped radio-carbon begins to decay at a known rate with half lost after 5730 years , it is possible to indicate when death occurred .
21 From about 1850 , it begins to decline at an increasing rate up to the present day ( figure 2.5 ) .
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